Chapter 21

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(Sorry for not putting a TW last chapter! I just didn't want to spoil!)

TWs: gore

Tubbo POV:

Dream only smiled through the crack in his mask. "Such. A. Pity."

Ranboo rushed up behind Tubbo and gave him a tight hug as Tubbo sank to the floor. "It's ok Tubbo. It's gonna be ok." Ranboo whispered in his ear.

Tubbo shook and wept under Ranboo's grasp.

Ranboo looked up at Dream. "I hate you!" he yelled .

Dream chuckled and outstretched a hand. "Ranboo, Tubbo, why don't you go ahead and join your friend Tomm-"

Technoblade burst through the line of trees followed by Phil. "GUYS WE DIDN'T FIND ANYTHING ON OUR SIDE DID YOU HAVE ANY LUCK HE-re..." Technoblade trailed off as he noticed Dream with an army of Dreamons, surrounding Tubbo and Ranboo on the floor, who were holding a ghastly white Tommy limp in their arms.

He drew his axe. "What. Is going on here." He said threateningly. 

Dreams smile widened. "Techno! Phil!" He called out. "How kind of you to join us!"

Technoblade grumbled. "Phil. Weapons ready." He sharply whispered.

Phil nodded and slowly took out a diamond sword from his robe. The same one that killed Wilbur.

Dream laughed again. "You barely won last time you tried to fight me! And that was only because you had that stupid dog!" Dream took out his axe. "Bring it on."

Ranboo POV:

"Tubbo we need to get to safety." Ranboo glanced at the Dreamons circling around them. "We need to go. Now!" He whispered.

Tubbo mumbled something.

"What did you say?"

Tubbo spoke louder. "Tommy's dead. I can't believe that he's dead.." He spoke with a lump in his throat.

Ranboo sighed gently. He rubbed circles on Tubbo's back.

"It's gonna be ok Tubbo... we can take Tommy with us to safety.."

Tubbo nodded sadly. "He's gone.."

Gently and carefully, Ranboo lifted Tommy's body and stood up. It was lighter than he had expected. He shifted Tommy over to his shoulder and reached out a hand for Tubbo.

Tubbo looked up at Ranboo. Timidly, he grabbed Ranboo's outstretched hand and hoisted himself up.

Ranboo held Tommy tightly with one arm. With the other, he held Tubbo's hand. Ranboo glanced at Tubbo. They nodded and made a run for the forest.

Once they reached the tree line they ducked behind a large bush and watched the fight between Techno and Phil vs Dream.

Techno POV:

"What did you just say.."

Dream laughed for a third time. "Did you not hear me, coward? You only won because of that STUPID dog!"

Technoblade took a deep shuddering breath. "Apollo. Is not stupid, and if you think that he is, you, in fact,  are the one who is stupid."

"You're only stalling Technoblade! Just send out the old man, he looks ready for a fight!"

Technoblade craned his neck to look at Phil, who had his feet braced in the ground and a fierce stare directly pointed at Dream.

Techno turned back around to face Dream. "Gah!-" he yelped.

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