Chapter 22

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Hi! Welcome to chapter 22!

TW: none

Phil POV:

As they sailed over the ocean back to the island, the sun began to set and by the time they arrived, night had fallen.

Phil steered the boat towards the shore and stuck a paddle into the sand to anchor it. He stepped out and pulled the rest of the boat onto land.

Tubbo stepped out carrying Tommy, followed by Techno with Ranboo helping him out. Ranboo looked tired.

Phil sighed and looked out at the forest. "It's late." He said. "If we want to avoid the mobs, we should set up camp here and hike back to the village first thing in the morning. Besides, you all look like you need sleep."

Technoblade glanced around. "We don't have any materials to build a shelter. I didn't think to pack any on such short notice."

Phil grumbled before looking at the boat. "We can use the raft as shelter... or at least something to duck under" 

(For those of you who forgot, their boat is a canoe. The picture isn't loading so if you don't know what a canoe looks like just search for a picture)

Ranboo furrowed his brows. "Phil..? Will I even be able to fit? Laying next to it I'm over half the size."

Phil side-eyed the raft. "Maybe... We won't know until we try though!"

"Alright.." Ranboo mumbled.

Phil stepped back over to the raft and hauled it further up the beach. Carefully he wiggled free the seats and dug through the cold sand to flip it over.

He used the broken off seats to prop up the raft on one side. Slowly, Phil stood up to his full height. "It's not the best shelter, but we can try to fit everyone in. Ranboo, you're the tallest, try and squeeze in first."

"Ok..." Ranboo said unsurely. He helped Technoblade sit down before army-crawling his way into the boat.

(Please for the sake of this let's pretend they fit because according to math they won't.)

Ranboo POV:

Curling into the tightest ball he could manage, Ranboo somehow managed to fit underneath the raft. "It's tight but it works!" He yelled.

Phil smiled. "Alright! Tubbo next with Tommy, followed by Techno then me."

Tubbo nodded, and gently, he placed Tommy under the raft, before crouching down next to Ranboo.

Technoblade started standing up but Phil helped him. "You're still hurt." He tried to explain.

Techno scoffed and brushed him off. "I don't need any help." Very slowly, he ducked under the raft and let out a breath of air as he sat next to Tubbo, who was holding now Tommy.

Once Phil saw that everyone had been situated, he climbed under and sat next to Technoblade.

With the groans of zombies outside, they soon fell asleep.


As the first light of dawn slowly began to creep through the cracks in their makeshift hut, Ranboo, Techno, and Phil began to wake.

Ranboo woke up first. His body was stiff from sleeping cramped. He started to move and get out when he heard a small sound. He looked down at where it was coming from and found Tubbo asleep, leaning on his shoulder.

He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. Ranboo thought. I don't want to disturb him. I think I'll wait for a while longer as he wakes up.

Phil opened his eyes and looked over at Techno, Ranboo, and Tubbo. He smiled softly. Slowly, he tapped Techno. "Wake up mate." He whispered.

"I'm awake." Techno grumbled.

Ranboo looked back down at Tubbo and smiled again. He shook Tubbo's shoulder lightly. 

Tubbo made a sound of discomfort and annoyance in response.

Ranboo smiled. "It's time to go Tubs. You know that Niki and your other neighbours are probably worried about you."

Tubbo grumbled.

Ranboo smiled playfully and nudged him again. "I guess if your really asleep I can steel your house."

Tubbo opened his eyes slightly as a smile crept onto his face. "Your a pain to be around sometimes y'know?"

Ranboo chuckled lightly. "Let's go." He wiggled an arm free from the small space and pushed the raft right-side up. It rocked back and forth behind them.

The seats that were holding it up fell forward and Ranboo stood up straight. He stretched his arms and legs out. Then he cracked his back. "That feels better..." Ranboo muttered.

He walked over to Techno and extended a hand. Techno grabbed it and Ranboo helped him up. Phil stood up on his own as well as Tubbo. Tubbo turned around and tenderly picked up Tommy's body. His face saddened.

"Let's get back to the village." Techno huffed.

The group turned toward the woods and began walking back in silence. 


Ranboo ran ahead. "Guys hurry up! I see the houses up ahead!" 

Ranboo ran through the trees and into the village clearing. Niki was tending to her newly planted gladiolus' outside her home.

"Niki!!" He called out.

Niki turned to face him. "Ranboo! What a pleasant surprise! Are you doing good? How're Tubbo and Tommy?"

Ranboo jogged up to Niki. "Tubbo's doing fine... I think." Ranboo paused. "Tommy's..."

"What? What's wrong? Is Tommy ok?" Niki was concerned.

Just as she said that, Tubbo walked into the clearing carrying Tommy's limp body.

Niki gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. The shovel she was holding fell to the ground. "Is he...dead..?"

Ranboo lowered his head. He remained silent.

Niki took a step towards Tubbo and Tommy. Then another. Then another. Until she reached him. Slowly she reached out her hand. Niki brushed Tommy's golden blond hair out of his face.

Techno and Philza appeared from behind Tubbo.

Phil took off his hat. "We are.. so sorry for your loss."

A single tear rolled down Niki's cheek. "I've known him since he was a baby..." She paused. "Will there be a funeral..?"

Tubbo nodded solemnly. "Yes.."

Niki looked down at Tommy's pale body. "I'll tell everyone the news... they will be devastated."

Tubbo nodded again. "That would be a nice idea." He spoke softly.

Niki slowly turned around. She walked over to her next door neighbour and knocked.

A man taller than Niki opened the door. He had dark blond hair, purple eyes, a purple hood, black jeans, and purple shoes.

Niki had her head held low as she told him the news.

The man gasped and looked over at Tubbo.

Niki nodded and hugged the man. He hugged back. 

After the man had closed his door she moved onto the next house.

Technoblade started walking towards a random house.

"Where are you going mate?" Phil called out.

"I'm helping." Techno yelled back.

Ranboo turned back to Tubbo. "We should help as well."

Tubbo nodded. "Okay.."

1130 Words


Hello again! This chapter was originally going to be longer, but it got too long so I had to make it into two parts. Not really a big fan of cutting chapters, so I'm sorry about that! Anyways have a great day/night, remember to eat and drink water, get at least an hour of sleep, and I'll see you next time! Bye for now!

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