Chapter 5

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Niki went back into the storage room and looked around.

Where did that mask go?

Niki looked around and moved boxes out of the way, but the mask was gone, like it had never existed.

Tubbo POV

Ranboo and Tubbo exited Niki's store with the book and started walking back to their house.

"So do remember anything else now that you have the book?" Tubbo asked.

Ranboo shook his head. "Not really. I feel like I'm supposed to do something with it though."

"That's... a start. What do you feel like you have to do?"

"I'm not entirely sure. It needs a name though."

"A name?"

"Yeah, like a title, or... a command."

"What do you mean by 'a command'"

"You know.. something like.. 'Do Not Read' or something."

"Why wouldn't you want people to read it?"

"I'm not entirely sure. It just feels right I guess."

Tubbo shrugged. "Whatever seems right for you man."

Ranboo and Tubbo reached their house and Tubbo opened the door. Tommy was there standing behind the doorway. 

"You're back again!" Tommy exclaimed.

Tubbo looked down at the excited child and smiled. "Tommy it's barely been ten minutes."

Tommy pouted. "It felt longer than that."

Tubbo nodded sympathetically. "Why don't you go back to your room and keep playing while I help Ranboo in the kitchen."

"But I wanna stay with youuuu." Tommy said as he clutched onto Tubbo's leg.

"If you go to your room I'll give you a cookie later."

Tommy looked up at Tubbo with a pleading expression on his face. "Two cookies."

Tubbo sighed. "Hmm ok, deal."

Tommy let go of Tubbo's leg and went back into his room.

Tubbo turned to look at Ranboo behind him.

"Sorry about that. Let's sit down and try to help you remember." Tubbo motioned for Ranboo to follow him to the couch and Ranboo walked over and sat down next to Tubbo. Ranboo and Tubbo sat still awkwardly for a moment before Ranboo shot up.

Tubbo startled. "What is it? Why did you stand?" Ranboo didn't answer and instead darted for the counter, grabbed a calligraphy pen, and started furiously scribbling in his book.

"Ranboo? What is it? Tubbo asked cautiously approaching the enderman hybrid. Ranboo was hunched over still writing. Tubbo crept up behind Ranboo.

"" Tubbo quickly tapped Ranboo on the shoulder. Ranboo whipped around to face him. He look furious but his features softened as he saw Tubbo.

Ranboo hung his head. "Sorry.." he said. "I just remembered something and felt like I needed to write it down before I forgot."

"Oh... that's ok. What did you remember?"

Ranboo glanced at his open memory book then back at Tubbo.

"Tubbo, I'm going to ask you a serious question."

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