Chapter 16

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Tw: death; blood

Ranboo POV

"Come on Tubbo, Tommy's ok. Right now he's just sleeping." Ranboo said.

Tubbo nodded. "I know. I just don't want those Dreamons to come back you know?"

"Tommy will be ok. Technoblade won't let anything happen to him, and if anything tries to hurt him in the slightest, he'll holler 'They're back' and we'll sprint right to him and send those Dreamons back where they belong." Ranboo assured him.

Tubbo looked at Ranboo. "How can you be so sure?"

"He's the blade." Ranboo replied. "Technoblade never dies."

Techno nodded from behind Ranboo. "I'll protect him, and Apollo will keep guard."

Apollo started wagging his tail at the mention of his name.

Tubbo smiled. "Thank you."

Ranboo pat his shoulder. "Get some rest ok? We will learn more about Dreamons tomorrow."

Tubbo nodded and slowly stood up. He walked into his room and sat down on his bead.

Ranboo sighed. He knew that he should go to bed as well. He got up from the floor and followed Tubbo into his room. "How are you doing Tubbo?" Ranboo asked.

"I'm fine. Still just worried for Tommy."

Ranboo sat down next to Tubbo. "Look at me." He said.

Tubbo glanced at him.

"Now repeat after me. Tommy will be ok."

"Tommy will be ok."

"Technoblade and Apollo will protect him."

"Technoblade and Apollo will protect him."

"I am just being paranoid and overly cautious."

Tubbo smiled. "I am not being paranoid and overly cautious."

Ranboo smiled back and shrugged. "Close enough." He got off of Tubbo's bed and sat at the foot of it. Leaning against the wooden frame, he said, "Try and get some sleep Tubbo, you'll need it."

Tubbo smiled at Ranboo's shadow against the wall. "I'll try." He laid down, resting his head on the white pillow, and started to drift off to sleep when suddenly he heard a shriek.


The scream echoed throughout the house as Phil, Tubbo, and Ranboo rushed towards Technoblade's voice, to find him, with his sword drawn, facing off against five Dreamons. Apollo stood growling at his side.

A Dreamon took a step forward and motioned for the others to step back. It raised its hand and materialised a netherite axe.

"Technoblade!!" Phil yelled sprinting forward.

The Dreamon used its free hand and created a barrier that threw Phil against the wall. Phil slammed his head against the wood and fell limp at the floor.

"Phil are you ok?!" Ranboo said panicked. He rushed towards him and checked for a pulse. Ranboo sighed as he felt a faint beating. He's alive. Ranboo propped Phil against the wall and joined Tubbo who motionlessly watched the scene unfold. 

Tubbo reached his hand out towards Technoblade, Apollo, Tommy, and the Dreamons, only to have it propelled back. He gasped in terror and stuck it to his side.

Tommy began to stir and sat up. "Tubbo?" He mouthed. There seemed to be a sound barrier of some kind blocking them as well as the actual barrier.

Technoblade turned to Tommy. He yelled something and Tommy hid under the blanket. It almost seemed as if he had disappeared.

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