Chapter 15

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Pre A/N:

Just so you dear readers know, this is a flashback chapter from Dream and DreamXDs POV. Also there is one tiny curse word. (Bbh please don't hunt me down)

Dream flew around watching the village in motion. Adults were rushing, children were playing, iron golems stood watch, and Dream hovered alone above them.

Dream sighed. Nothing interesting ever happens here. It's always the same thing, over, and over again. Stupid XD, assigning me the boring tasks while he is off  guarding a whole other dimension. I've been a god here for 3816 years, and have only made one mistake! Even Drista has something interesting to do and was second in command just last month!

An idea sprung to Dreams head. This town didn't have to be boring...

He slowly floated down to the ground. A god amongst the living. This was definitely against the rules. Dream should know that by now. Gods aren't aloud to interact with the overworld, or any of its inhabitants.

Dream was about to make himself visible to everyone when he stopped and looked down. He did not look human. He looked like something out a fairytale. 

With a flick of his wrist, Dream changed his long flowing green cloak into a green hoodie and black pants. His white smiling mask and neon green eyes remained the same. Once he decides that he looked human enough, he floated into a nearby forest and became visible. His feet landed on the soft ground. Dream pulled his hood up and started walking towards the village.

He looked around. Shops and small businesses continued on like normal, and everyone for the most part was ignoring him.

Time to make things a bit more interesting... Dream thought. Let's start small...

Dream found a nearby farm and changed the wheat that was growing into carrots, and carrots to potatoes. The farmer stood there scratching his head. Unnoticed, Dream put his hands in his hoodie pocket and walked away.

He found an iron golem handing out flowers to children, and turned the red flowers into bloodthirsty spiders that crawled over them. Dream smiled as they screamed in terror. The iron golem hurriedly picked the spiders off the children and squashed them. Dream smirked behind his mask and strolled away.

He quickly made himself invisible again and stole a bucket from a nearby fisherman. Dream mumbled something and the bucket started filling with lava. The lava was glowing an unnatural shade of red. Dream started floating above the village and dumped the lava on some of the houses. All of them were incinerated by the lava almost instantly, including the cobblestone foundations.

Dream smiled as the villagers panicked about their no-longer homes. With one final move of his arm, Dream summoned a world eater. A small one. Just for the village.

Dream started the contraption and watched as people blew up and were squashed to death by the machine that they couldn't see.

As the world eater continued destroying everything in its path, it suddenly stopped and disappeared. "Huh?!" A confused Dream said. He looked down and saw the villagers that he had killed had been revived, and the damage repaired. 

Dream was even more confused now. Anyone with magic can repair the houses and farms... but only gods know how to revive people.

Dream felt the wind pick up and saw the ground racing towards him. He was falling. How the hell am I falling?!?  Dream thought. Dream shut his eyes and braced himself for the worse, but it never came. When he opened his eyes he saw that he floating an inch above the ground. All of the townspeople were staring at him and whispering.

Dream saw green and purple particles form around his body. He found himself being teleported into the palace of the gods. He was met with the face of an angry looking XD, and a tired Karl by his side. 

Dream stood up and bowed. "Pleasure to see you XD." Dream said

XD sighed and stood up. "I wish I could say the same. Dream, you just almost destroyed an entire village. This isn't the first time something like this has happened."

"I won't do it ag-" Dream was cut off by XD.

"You won't do it again. I know I know. That's what you said last time." XD paused. "Dream, this has gone on long enough."

Dream crossed his arms. "What's that supposed to mean?"

 XD glided towards Dream and placed a hand on his forehead. "I revoke you of your powers."

"WAIT WHAT-" Dream blacked out.

Moments later he woke up in a spruce forest. He was wearing the green hoodie, black pants, and same mask as before. Dream tried to fly but realised that XD was being serious about revoking his powers. Dream shook his head. No matter. I will have my own world without them, and I will be the one in control.

It was that moment Dream realised he probably wasn't immortal anymore, and would eventually die like a normal human.

He scoffed. Fine then. Dream walked over to a nearby tree and started gathering resources. 


DreamXD POV:

Karl turned to DreamXD. "Are you sure this is a good idea? You just got rid of one of the main three gods."

XD sighed. "It might not've been the smartest of decisions, but this is not the first time something like this had happened with Dream."

Karl looked away.

"He is a liability." DreamXD continued. "And liability's must be eliminated."

Karl nodded. "Sire, I have something I wish to speak to you about."

"Go ahead, I'm listening." XD replied.

Karl moved in front of him and sighed. "I do not want to continue working for you as a time traveller. I wish to time travel with my own free will."

XD looked into Karl's multicoloured eyes. "Karl, you were selected for this amongst thousands. You were the only one who possessed the gift of traveling after the last one... forgot."

Karl nodded. "I know.. it's just to much stress and I'm forgetting much more than I used to. I just want to be able to remember my friends."

XD thought for a moment before answering. "Very well then." He said. "You may leave."

Karl sighed in relief and looked hopeful. "Thank you thank you thank you XD! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

DreamXD smiled under his mask and ruffled Karl hair. "You'll do great." He said.

1118 Words


Flashback chapter pog!! Second week of studying for finals not so pog! More about the chapter though, I had a lot of fun writing this and now you guys have a bit more of an insider about what happened to Dream and why he's no longer a god! Anyways as always, thank you for reading and remember to eat, sleep a little, and drink lots of water! I love ya! Bye for now! <3

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