Chapter 11

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"So uh.. where do you think that those things would've taken him.?"

Without turning around, Tubbo replied, "I'm not sure. This island is pretty small so they couldn't have gotten to far."

"I hope you're right.." Ranboo mumbled.

Tubbo POV

"Tubbo- it's getting kinda dark out." Ranboo said worriedly for the third time.

"So?" Tubbo responded. "We won't stop until we find Tommy!"

Ranboo looked around. "Hey, this area looks familiar doesn't it?"

Tubbo paused to look where Ranboo was looking. "Oh yeah! This is near where we met."

"Where you tied me to a tree?" Ranboo asked playfully.

"Shut up man! It seemed like a good idea at the time!"

"OH sure it did!"

"Screw you bitch."

Ranboo laughed. He was glad that Tubbo could still joke at a time like this. "C'mon, let's keep looking."

Tubbo smiled.

Ranboo and Tubbo spoke while they were looking for Tommy. They talked about random topics such as their favorite season, aliens, and suprisingly, if a pasta flavoured cookie would taste good. They both agreed it wouldn't.

"Tubbo look! I see a slimmer of the ocean up ahead!" Ranboo exclaimed as he ran towards the shore.

"Ranboo wait up!" Tubbo screeched.

Ranboo stopped, turned around and waited for Tubbo to catch up. As soon as he did they continued to walk towards the shoreline. Ranboo pushed vines out of the way and Tubbo stepped into the sunlight.

They froze at the sight. The monsters were back. They were loading Tommy into their boat. He was still unconscious. "TOMMY!!" Tubbo yelled. Tubbo turned back to Ranboo who was staring wide eyed at the monsters. "Don't look at them! Something happened last time you did!"

Ranboo didn't respond. He didn't move. 

"RANBOO GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE YOU NEED TO RUN!!" Tubbo said pointing frantically.

The monsters ignored their scene and continued putting Tommy in the raft. They were trying to get off of the shore. Tubbo glanced back at them for a second and gasped. They were pushing off the island! "NO NOT AGAIN!!!" Tubbo screamed as he charged towards their boat and into the water attempting to flip it. It was somewhat working as the monsters had difficulty getting him off.

"Ranboo!" A faint voice called from the distance.

Tubbo looked up at where it was coming from. He saw another boat, this one with what looked like a piglin hybrid with long pink hair, a dog, and an old man with large black bird wings. The man with wings took off from the boat and flew over to them. The piglin continued rowing towards them. Ranboo stood frozen on the beach.

Phil POV:

Oh my fucking god that is Ranboo! Who is he with though? And what ARE those things?

Phil swooped closer and noticed the unconscious child in the raft, and the younger goat hybrid shaking the it from the water. There were two other things in the boat as well, though Phil couldn't make much out about them other than they were very dark grey in colour.

He circled down and landed on the boat. The creatures were surprised by his presence. Now that he was closer he noticed the smile on their chests. Huh, funny. It almost looks like... oh no. Dreams. Is he here? No. Surely that's impossible! 

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