Chapter 9

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Memory's gaps... It's a different time... no. nonononono! It can't be that! Why here?? Why now?!

Ranboo couldn't say it. He couldn't even think it. But he knew what it was. He was in the enderwalk. In front of Tubbo.

Ranboo POV:

It felt like it he had been in this room for days. His side didn't seem to be getting any better, and by the looks of it, some of his ribs seemed to be broken. He was also starving.

Ranboo was lying on the ground next to Tommy's bed with his limbs sprawled out like a starfish finding it to be the only comfortable position.

He sighed only to immediately regret it and winced in pain. How long have I even been in here? It feels like an eternity.

Ranboo tried to sit up only for it to be proven ineffective and he was left in more discomfort than he was before.

Ranboo moved his head to look away from the ceiling and towards the window. Maybe if I go to sleep it'll stop hurting.

Ranboo tried to close his eyes and go to sleep when he heard a creaking noise. He didn't bother to look at where it was coming from, the house creaked all the time threatening to fall over.

"Ranboo..?" Said a quiet voice coming from the doorway.

Ranboo turned his head to face the door. Tubbo was standing in the doorframe with a tear stained face.

"Hi Tubbo." Ranboo said smiling gently.

Tubbo ran forward, knelt next to Ranboo and hugged him, making him wince again. Tubbo didn't stop though, instead he hugged tighter.

"T-Tubbo please let go-"

Tubbo released Ranboo from the death hug and tears started pricking at the corners of his eyes.

"Hey hey, don't cry." Ranboo said using his good arm to wipe Tubbo's eyes. "I'm fine. See?"

"I thought I lost you too.." Tubbo half-whispered.

"No-no you didn't it's ok" Ranboo said stroking Tubbo hair in a comforting motion.

Tubbo sniffed and and took a deep breath.

"You're finally back." Tubbo said, his voice raw.

Ranboo smiled. "Yeah, I am."

Tubbo stood up. "Do you need help up? I have a few healing potions in a chest in the living area."

How did he know I'm hurt?  Ranboo thought.

"Uh yeah thanks." Ranboo said.

Tubbo extended an arm for Ranboo to grab onto and Ranboo reached up to grab it. He yanked him up and Ranboo winced with the motion but was able to stand.

Tubbo helped Ranboo as he limped out of the room towards the couch to sit down on. Ranboo sat down and Tubbo strolled over to the chest and grabbed a healing potion.

Tubbo shut the lid of the chest and walked back to Ranboo. "I have a potion for you. It's one of the last ones before we have to trade for more."

Ranboo took the potion and drank it. "Thanks.." he mumbled. Ranboo could feel his bones fixing themselves and his bruises disappear.

"How did you know I was hurt?" Ranboo asked.

"Oh- I uh.. your.. enderwalk that's what you called it, was repeatedly ramming into the door. I just assumed that you were injured." Tubbo sat down next to him. "Are you sure your ok? Are you hungry?"

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