Chapter 1

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POV ; 3rd person

Izuku Midoriya, also known as the number 1 hero, Deku, was walking around the city on patrol as the sun was setting. He gazed at the sunset, completely mesmerized, until he heard footsteps approaching from a dark alleyway to his right. The greenette snapped his head to where the sound was coming from. He soon seen a figure appear from in the darkness. The man didn't seem to be watching where he was going, he was looking down at his feet as he walked.
"Who are you?" The greenette questioned. The blonde snapped his head up towards the voice.

POV ; Katsuki

"The names ground zero. And you darling~?" I walk closer to the shorter male, and caress his chin gently. Freckles dusted over his cheeks, the sharpened jawline, the fluffy green hair. Oh and his eyes!! Don't even get me started on his eyes. Those green eyes seemed to be brighter than the sun itself.
"I- uh- oh um..." His cheeks turned pink, and I smirked.
"Y'know what, nevermind. I'll just call you teddybear~" I say, causing his face to turn bright red.
"G-Ground zero isn't a real name." He grabbed my hand, taking it off his chin as he stepped away from me.
"Oh but teddybear~" I step closer to him.
"Don't teddybear me. Who are you?" His voice was firm as he was starting to get angry with me. If I'm being totally honest with you, I was finding this attractive.
"The names Katsuki Bakugou. Now are you gonna tell me who you are?"
"Number 1 hero. You can call me Deku." He didn't seem very happy with me. "Why're you using the name 'ground zero'?"
"I'm a villain, my love~"

I'm a villain, my love~Where stories live. Discover now