Chapter 8

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POV; Izuku

It's been a week since.. well y'know.. I've been too nervous to text him. But that shouldn't matter? He has my number too, he could easily text me first.

I have been pretty busy with hero work, so I haven't really been able to go spend time with my friends. Not even my best friends. . .

Lost in thought, laying on my bed, I didn't even notice that my phone dinged. But after it dinged 2 times after the 1st time I quickly reached for my phone, wondering if it could be him.

~3 unread messages~

I click on the messages. . .

POV; 3rd person

~ messages with: katsuki ~

Katsuki: hey there teddybear ~
Katsuki: it's upsetting that you haven't texted me.
Katsuki: it's been a week, love.

Izuku: I've been busy with work.

Katsuki: Awh. Teddybear didn't make time for me instead of work?

Izuku: I've met you, what twice? And you're expecting me to pick you over my job?

Katsuki: well, considering you were begging for more about a week ago..
Katsuki: then I thought you'd try to make time to text me.

Izuku: I was not 'begging'

Katsuki: oh?
Katsuki: what do you consider begging?

Izuku: wouldn't you like to know.

Katsuki: heh. Yes, in fact I would like to know, teddybear ~
Katsuki: why don't we meet up, and you can show me?~

Izuku: I don't know..

Katsuki: c'mon, teddybear.

Izuku: if we meet up, no sex. My back hurts right now.

Katsuki: from last time still?

Izuku: no, some stupid villain.

Katsuki: oh so I'm a stupid villain?

Izuku: that's not what I meant, Katsuki!

Katsuki: I know, teddybear. What villain was it?

Izuku: why?

Katsuki: well I'm gonna teach them a lesson. That I'm the only one allowed to make your back hurt.

Izuku: dumbass.

Katsuki: oh hush. I know you're blushing right now!

Izuku: ...

Katsuki: see~? Told ya!

Izuku: yeah, yeah. Back to the point?

Katsuki: ah, yes. I'm taking you out for dinner. Be ready in half an hour.
Katsuki: you can't say no, I will show up at your house either way.

Izuku: fine, see you later, Katsuki.

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