Chapter 12

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⚠️ dirty jokes ? ⚠️

POV; Katsuki

"Let me speak."

Holy fucking shit. That was hot.

"As I was saying..." Izuku started, with a slight glare towards me. "I know you're not weak. And I'm not looking down on you." He said, mockingly and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Anyway, we're here now.." I say, gesturing towards the restaurant in front of us.

It wasn't too fancy and popular, it was kinda small. I'm not a very popular villain, so most people don't recognize me. Let's hope nobody will, I'm trying to have a nice time with Izuku tonight.

"Can I get down now?"

"Oh uh sure." I set Izuku back down, he winced slightly, but seemed okay after a minute or so..

I'm gonna kill whoever did this to him. I should be the only one allowed to make Izuku's back hurt... whether it's in that way or not.



"What're we doing here?"

"I told you, I'm taking you out for dinner, teddybear."

POV; Izuku

"C'mon." Katsuki says as he grabs my hand.

He starts walking slowly, seeming to be very cautious of my back.. I smile softly.

We walk inside, and sit down side by side, in a booth. He wraps his arm around my waist carefully and grabs a menu.

"Get whatever you want, love."

"Ka-Katsuki! We talked about this. We're not in a relationship."

"Not yet." He smirked.

I blush furiously. "H-Huh?"

"You heard me. Just find something you want to eat."

We both look through the menu..


My eyes scan through the menu, something catching my eye.

I perk up, ignoring the pain in my back from the sudden movement.

"Katsudon!!" I yell, smiling excitedly. My actions causing a few stares.

He chuckles. "I think you need to lower your voice a bit, and calm down before you hurt your back more."

"Right.." I say with a sigh.

"I'm guessing you want katsudon?" He questions.

"Mhm!" I nod my head viciously.

He smiles and ruffles my hair. "Kay."

- - -

A waitress come over.

"Hello! My name is Kiyomi, are you ready to order?"

"Ah, yes. We'll take some katsudon, and... spicy ramen." Katsuki says, keeping a straight face.

The waitress nods, writing something down on her pad of paper, before walking away.

Katsuki turns to me.

"Spicy ramen?" I question.


"You can eat spicy stuff?!"

"Huh? Well yeah, but.." He paused, leaning to my ear as he soon whispered. "But I can also eat sweet stuff~"

I could feel his breath on my neck as he spoke. My face turned bright red once I realized what he meant.

I'm a villain, my love~Where stories live. Discover now