Chapter 6

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⚠️ smut ⚠️

POV; Katsuki

Kissing. Usually I don't enjoy it much, but this time it's different. I fucking love it. He's so submissive.. I could've swore I've seen him somewhere before— HE JUST BIT MY TONGUE?! I moan slightly, as I pull away. Deku. I swear. Usually I would kill someone for biting my tongue while we make out, but...this time, it was sexy..

"I want more~" He said, causing me to smirk.
"Beg for it." I say, still smirking.
"Oh daddy please~ I want it~" He says in between moans, obviously trying to tease me.
"How bad do you want it~?"
"So so bad.. I need it~" He moans again, causing me to kiss him roughly, jerking him off at the same time.

POV ; 3rd person

Pants and moans from Izuku filled Katsuki's room, as the blonde jerked him off. He moved his hand from the smaller mans member, to his hole. Rubbing his fingers in circles around the hole teasingly, causing the man below him to arch his back with pleasure, moaning some more.

Katsuki slowly inserted his index finger into Izuku's hole, earning more moans from the greenette. The blonde began kissing Izuku's neck as he inserted his middle finger into the greenette, rubbing his fingers together inside of the freckled male.

The blonde curled his fingers, looking for Izuku's special spot. Eventually, the greenette let out a loud, shakey moan. Katsuki knew. He tried to memorize where the spot was, and scissored Izuku open. The greenette moaned, and moaned.

Katsuki took his fingers out, and lined up with Izuku's hole. "Let me know if you need me to stop, kay?" The blonde said, getting a nod from the freckled male. Katsuki started pushing in, watching Izuku's face to get his reaction. The greenette scrunched his nose up, closed his eyes tight, bit his lip hard, and gripped onto the sheets below them. Katsuki continued to watch Izuku's face as he finished pushing in, earning small quiet moans from the smaller male.

"Y-You can move n-now.." The greenette managed to get those words out of his mouth, barely over a whisper.
"Alright, teddy bear, like I said before, tell me to stop if you need me to stop." The blonde said, trying to make sure Izuku would stop him if he needed him to stop. Izuku nodded.

Katsuki started thrusting slowly, earning adorable moans from Izuku. This only made Katsuki go faster...

- - -

Izuku moaned loudly, and Katsuki knew it was his sweet spot again. The blonde kept his hips angled so he would hit Izuku's spot some more. He thrusted a few more times before Izuku said...
"I-I'm— I'm gonna cum!"
"Go ahead, cum for me, teddybear~"

Izuku came onto the blonde's stomach, causing Katsuki to smirk.

The blonde started thrusting faster as tears of pleasure formed in Izuku's eyes.
"I'm close, teddybear~"

Izuku wrapped his legs around Katsuki's waist, pulling him in deeper, causing Katsuki to moan. After a few more thrusts, Katsuki came, Izuku moaning with pleasure.

Katsuki pulled out, grabbing a few wipes, handing one to Izuku. "Clean up."


After cleaning up and switching the sheets, they laid down and fell asleep.

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