Chapter 16

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Sorry for not posting recently, I haven't had much motivation <3
hope you're taking care of yourselves!!

POV: 3rd person

The next morning, Izuku had early patrol. AT 5AM!!!!! He was most definitely not a morning person.

Izuku's alarm went off at 4am.

The greenette groaned and shut off his alarm. He got up and stumbled to the bathroom. He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, brushing his teeth until he heard his phone ding.

~one unread message from: Kacchan~

Katsuki: good morning teddybear

Izuku: how did you know I'm awake? It's 4am, that's not morning.

Katsuki: grumpy, huh?
Katsuki: not a morning person, love?

Izuku: no. But I gotta go, I have work soon.

Katsuki: alright, talk to you later teddybear.

Izuku finished brushing his teeth and grabbed his hero costume, putting it on.

He made his way to the kitchen and grabbed an apple, rushing to the door and grabbing his keys, heading out the door.

~ x ~ x ~ x ~

Short chapter, I know! I'm really sorry, I didn't have much time. I'm hoping my motivation will start back up soon, life's been a wreck lately, but it's getting better:)
I hope you're having a great day/night! Love youuu~ :D

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