Chapter 9

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POV: Katsuki

I'm honestly shocked at how different Izuku is over text. It's kinda hot..

I grab some ripped blue jeans, and a black shirt with a skull on it.

After a while of messing with my hair, I decided to leave it be. Izuku won't care.. will he?

I sigh, grabbing my black shoes and putting them on. Quickly grabbing my keys, and heading out the door.

POV; Izuku

I get up off my bed, groaning slightly because of the pain in my lower back. I stumble my way over to my closet, looking for some clothes to wear.

After a lot of arguing with myself, I decided on some black skinny jeans that have rips in the knees, a plain white shirt, and of course, my red shoes. I felt like I looked too basic. . .


I grab a small silver chain necklace, and put it on.

After looking in the mirror, I think I look fine.

I reach for my phone to check the time, but I soon heard a knock at the door.


I get up and stumble my way over to my door, opening it to see the muscular blonde infront of me. I smile faintly, my face heating up.

"Hey, teddybear~ ready to go?" He says calmly, causing me to nod my head.
"Yeah, let's go." I say, smiling a bit more. I can't help it but smile.. I'm not sure why though..

Katsuki grabs my hand gently, intertwining our fingers. This caused me to blush more.

He starts walking slowly, as I do the same thing, wincing slightly because of my back.

Katsuki seemed to notice. "Is it really that bad?"

I bite my lip, and looked away. "I've been through worse. So I can't say it's that bad, but yes. It hurts."

I soon felt myself get lifted off the ground. I look around, noting Katsuki had picked me up..

He had a smile on his face.. it was a mix of cute, and hot.. damn..

"I didn't hurt you when I picked you up, did I?" He said, his expression suddenly changing to more worried.

I shake my head. "Not at all."

"Oh alright, just making sure.."

I smiled at him, causing the worried look on his face to disappear. He looked calm now.. I can do with that!

"Sooo.. Katsuki. Where are we going? Since I didn't have a choice on whether or not I wanted to come."

"Oh hush. We both know you would've gladly came if I gave you the choice."

"That doesn't answer my question.." I mumble.

"Oh, right. It's a surprise."

"What?! I don't like surprises." I stated, trying to hide a slight smile.

"Mhmmm.. liar."

"I'm not a liar!"

"Yes you are, now be quiet, teddybear."

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