Chapter 14

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Hey there! Have you ate anything yet today? Or had any water? If you haven't, maybe try eating a snack and drinking some water, just something right? Have you slept recently? I hope you're doing okay. Remember, your smile is super pretty, and SO ARE YOU!!! Love you all! <3   -Tilly :)

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POV; 3rd person

Katsuki and Izuku made small talk while eating their food- or tried to anyway- Izuku's mouthful of food was hard to have a normal conversation with.

Both of them found themselves having more in common than they thought. They had a lot of fun actually.

After they were done with dinner, they walked out of the restaurant and decided to take a walk through the park.

Izuku forgot about his back hurting, for the most part.

Katsuki held onto Izuku's hand, carefully and gently. Izuku snickered.

"What're you laughing about, teddybear?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you're a big friendly giant! But not just thatttt~ you're a softie!" Izuku exclaimed, leaning his head on Katsuki's shoulder.

"I am not a softie!?!"

"Yes you are~!"

"I am not."

"Prove it."

"Huh? How am I supposed to prove it?"

"I dunno, prove it."

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