xvi. cliché

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CHAPTER XV: cliché

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( December 1994 )


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GINGER AND GEORGE CONTINUED TO DANCE EVEN AFTER THE TRI-WIZARD CHAMPIONS HAD ENTERED. Ginger of course paused her dancing to cheer for her best friend coming out with his date but resumed jumping to the music with George.

      Finally, deciding the room was beginning to make her sweat she stopped dancing for a moment, "George, want to come get some fresh air with me? All this dancing's making me hot in here." The boy complied to come with her and they exited the ballroom.

      As they walked farther and farther from the ball the music began to fade so the sound of their footsteps travelled to their ears. It had begun to snow earlier in the day so there had been snow everywhere in the courtyard they had chosen to escape to.

      The chill of the December night had finally set in sending extreme chills down Gingers exposed back and shoulders. George acknowledged her cold state and slipped off the coat he wore and wrapped it around her now giving her a second item of clothing belonging to him.

      "How cliché of you." She didn't try to deny it this time though like she did the sweater, instead, she put her arms through the sleeves and closed it around her body.

"Can't blame me for being cliche, moon. I'm a very cliche ma–" he was cut off by a handful of snow to the head, he turned to her to notice that she was no longer by his side but she was laughing a few feet away from him.

"Have you no manners?!" he exclaimed wiping the cold substance off of his face. He rushed to the ground to begin compacting snow together while she yelped running knowing she wouldn't be able to make more snowballs than him in time. He stood up with four in hand to see her retreating trying not to submerge her feet in the snow and laughed at the sight.

She turned to look over her shoulder to see what he had been doing just to see him raising his arm to weaponize the snow. "Oh no..." she mumbled as she was pummeled with snow getting on the inside of George's coat and sliding down her back. When he ran out her hair was practically made of snow and he had snow on his red eyelashes. "Romeo, I'm afraid you're all out," he shook his head to relieve himself of the cold substance.

They quickly approached each other and instead of compacting snow together, they had just begun shovelling snow at each other not caring how cold it was or how much it had been going inside their clothes.

      George quickly grasped his coat around his date just to take a handful of snow and shove it down the back, most of the snow went inside her dress only making her yelp in shock from the sudden cold while he smiled widely at her.

      "George, no, please!" both of them moving around during their snow war had caused them to be extremely unbalanced and clumsy which is why when Ginger had slipped on a slab of ice George went right after her since he had some of his weight focused on her. "Oh, it's so cold!" she cried with closed eyes as his coat had fallen off her shoulders exposing her to the snow.

      She opened her eyes when she felt the warm and heavy breath George had been exhaling from his mouth to see him inches away from his face with his elbows on either side of her face. The only thing supporting him from falling on top of her had been his elbows that were most likely going to be bruised in the morning from the fall and one of his knees he had on the side of her leg.

      They froze in place with smiles indenting their faces while realizing the compromising position they had been in while both of their faces seemed to grow hot. "I suppose this is very cliché of me too?" George joked earning a laugh from Ginger.

      As their laughter died down she stared and admired the constellations that had been sewn on his face that were visible in the shadow of the moon and he admired her eyes in the light of the moon. Soon after realizing they were both staring at each other erupted into another fit of giggles which turned into him putting his head in the crook of her neck because he couldn't hold himself up from them gasping for air.

His warm breath against the side of her neck tickled her making her laugh more and she could've sworn, even if it was for a second, she felt her heart skip a beat or two while her stomach performed somersaults like an acrobat.

      "Oh, there they are... Ginger! George! Quit your snogging and get back inside!" a voice called out to the two close teens. Their heads jumped up at the sound of their names only to meet the figures of their friend's many feet away.

      "They've got the Weird Sisters performing!" Cedric came out together with Cho and Angelina, Alexander and his Beaubaxton date came out right behind them.

      "We'll be right there, calm your asses!" George yelled back while still being on top of Ginger.

      Fred put his middle finger in the air while retreating back to the warm event, George jumped up from his spot and turned as if he was going to run off but paused in his place then turned to Ginger. "Can't leave my dearest Moon, come on." He held his hand out to her which she gladly took. From there he held her hand to make sure she didn't sink in the snow and even after they went inside neither of them thought to let go of the other.

 From there he held her hand to make sure she didn't sink in the snow and even after they went inside neither of them thought to let go of the other

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NOTE. i'd like to mention how this is literally the most ive ever updated a book before 🧍🏽‍♀️like ive posted at least 6 different chapters in the last week and im honestly scared bc i know this motivation is gonna leave once the yule ball part of his book is over 🚶🏽‍♀️

but in the mean time take these small scenes i have to offer of my faves 🤲🏽

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