xxvi. the third task

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the third task

CHAPTER XXVI: the third task

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( June 1995 )


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      AFTER GINGERS EXTRAVAGANT BIRTHDAY, THE MONTHS OF APRIL AND MAY WENT BY IN A SINGLE BLINK. Before anyone could realize, the third task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament had finally arrived on June twenty-fourth.

Amos had come to show his support for his son while the task would be hours away.

      Minutes before the champions were to be released into the maze for the third and final task, Ginger and Cedric stood behind the stands with each other, just mindlessly talking. Alexander had been holding a spot in the stands for Ginger so they could be near the twins who were endlessly being loud and keeping him company.

"Come back in one piece, please. You'll still be Cedric Leonardo Diggory to me, win or lose." They shared a smile though both of them knew the other was nervous for the next few hours that were to come.

      "Champions, begin making your way to the arena for you final task!" Dumbledores voice boomed over the endless chatter between students.

Gingers breath hitched in her throat at the headmaster's words as she saw the shared expression Cedric had. "Winning's overrated," she nervously spoke.

      "You worry too much." He brought her into a tight hug. She wished to stay in the moment with him, wished that time would pause for a second just so she could cherish the moment before she would spend an hour waiting in the stands not knowing what would be happening to the boy she had known her whole life.

      "I worry just enough." They let go of each other no matter if they didn't want to.

      "I'll come back in one piece with the prize right in my hands, then with the winnings, you can get anything you like as long as theirs money left for me." He grinned at her. Sharing one last hug, they let go and did their childhood handshake bumping fists, elbows then palms. They turned to go their separate ways but Cedric looked down at his right hand and an idea sparked.

      "Gin!" She turned at her name, "keep it safe for me then give it back to me when I win." He cockily smiled giving her his matching butterfly ring she made for him over the holidays.

She put it on the same finger her own was on so she wouldn't loose it then departed with him so he could go to the arena.

      Meeting Alexander in their saved spot, passing George she sent him a small smile as his head followed her like a puppy. Fred noticed and shook his head leaning in to speak to his twin, "you're pathetic," he laughed in his face while the freckled boy turned pink.

      Ginger stood between George and Alex as Dumbledore began to speak. "Earlier today Professor Moody placed the tri-wizards cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as Mr Diggory..." the man was cut off as a stream of shouts erupted when Cedrics arm was thrown in the air. Ginger cheered and clapped loudly for her friend standing in the front row so she could see everything going on and so he could see her grinning face.

      "And Mr Potter..." more shouts erupted for the fourth year, Ginger and Alex joined in not knowing the boy all too well but also taking an admiration for his bravery thoughout the year.

      "Tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr Krum..." the Bulgarians cheered for their champion. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter, if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands." Dumbledore then brought the champions in close to speak with them privately.

      "Any idea what he could be talking to them about?" George leaned down to Ginger. She shook her head trying to read the mans lips but failed miserably.

      "Champions! Prepare yourselves," Mad-eye announced to the teens. Cedric gave one lasting long hug to his father then faced the maze.

      "On the count of three... one-" and then Dumbledore was interrupted by the cannon firing and Flinch shrugging comically when Dumbeldore gave him a look as if saying really? The champions took that as their queue to prceed to their different entrances.

Cedric turned his head over his shoulder to show Ginger a final grin before he ventured deep into the dark maze.


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NOTE. hey lol 😋 yes yes i know i have a problem with trailing out things longer than they needed to but i had another idea for chapter title so i used that for the next one since it's revolving around it 🤷🏽‍♀️ anyways 🚶🏽‍♀️ see you later ced 🤞🏽😋

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