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Neil wasn't sure how long he had been running. Long enough that his legs were numb and his lungs were screaming for release but he didn't dare stop, or even slow his pace for the matter. He'd rather run him self into the ground than be caught by Rikos pack and be brought back to his master-old masters side. He didn't even know where he was when he ran away, for all he knew it was another continent, but that didn't matter to Neil, only running as far away from the scent of Riko and his pack mattered.

Eventually his legs gave out in the middle of the forest and he managed to crawl himself under a tree root and bury himself in leaves, not even bothering to shift back to human. He was smaller this way anyways, and made for good camouflage. He fell asleep as soon as he judged it was safe, his keen nose smelling no other shifters in the area.

Waking up to the sound of twigs and leaves crunching from right next to his hiding place was almost as bad as waking up to a knife already to your throat. He had to use all his self restraint to identify the number and class of the threats before jumping up and bolting away; He needed to know what he would have chasing him. His sniffed the air and was immediately hit with the sickly strong sent of Alphas. Two Alphas were practically on top of him at this point.

He wasted no more time fucking around and bolted out from under his hiding spot, not taking the time to look at his attackers.

"There he is!" one called stupidly as the two alphas began to race after him.

Neil was fast. Faster than any alpha he had ever met, even if their stamina did tend to be a bit better than his, just based on biology alone.

"He's too fast! Fucking foxes," one growled. "No wonder Wymack calls us foxes, I'll be sure to tell him I understand now."

"He's running right to the pack anyways," the other replied quietly assuming Neil couldn't hear him. But Neil had amazing hearing, even for an Omega. Neil immediately switched directions causing the two Alphas to cuss.

"For an omega he's awfully fast, even for a fox," one of them growls.

"Maybe it's a male omega thing," the other responds.

The two barley seemed out of breath and Neil was on the verge of collapsing again. His vision was blurring around the edges with black and there were stars dancing through the air. His legs were trembling and he stumbled over sticks that he normally would have easily avoided. The alphas weren't slowing down, but Neil was. His freedom hadn't lasted long at all, and he knew he'd be severely punished for running away but when they left him in the car alone he couldn't just not try. There was always a small chance he could have made it, and he wasn't willing to let his one chance slip when it may be the only one he ever got.

Neil tripped over a root and went flying into the side of another tree. He felt his ankle crack on impact and couldn't suppress the whine that escaped his throat. The alphas lunged and landed on him, eliciting another whine as he ribs were crushed against another exposed root. He wriggled around under them but they were too heavy on top of him for him to escape, and even if he did he didn't think he'd make it more than a few steps without passing out again.

He felt a hand grip the back of his neck and squeeze before they both lifted themselves off of Neils body.

"Change back," the alpha snarled.

Neil didn't, he stayed as a fox and stared at them though he knew he was trembling. The pheromones coming off of the Alphas alone was enough to make him dizzy, not to mention his utter exhaustion. They didn't smell like Rikos pack, but that didn't do much to help his anxiety.

"Change back now," the other snarled.

Neil obeyed, changing back to his human form and eyeing them both cautiously.

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