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Andrew didn't understand what was going on with him. He knew he was having a strange reaction to the new omega, but the feeling of Neils hand on his arm didn't warrant the same reaction it would have if it was anyone else's hand. He felt warmth spread through his whole body and had to fight the urge to pull Neil into his arms where he knew he could keep him safe. When he pulled out of his grasp and Neil flinched back so hard he fell on his ass he didn't know what to do.

"I'm going to come kneel by you," Andrew said, waiting a moment to make sure Neil understood what he was about to do. The last thing he wanted was to send Neil deeper into a panic attack than he already was. He knelt in front of the trembling omega and focused on trying to emit a calming pheromone from himself. It was something he had never been particularly good at, he's always had trouble putting down the mental blocks he used to hide his scent enough to willingly emit any scent. But the way Neils body seemed to relax and the way he subconsciously leaned closer to Andrew told him it was working. It wasn't strong enough so Andrew did something he never thought he would do for anyone, let alone someone he met 3 days ago.

"Do you want to scent me?"

Neil nodded looking into Andrews eyes with his piercing blue ones and Andrew knew he couldn't have changed his mind even if he tried.

"Don't touch me except with your head," Andrew warned. Neil nodded once again as Andrew crossed his legs under himself to sit closer to the omega.
Neil leaned in until his nose was tucked into the crook of Andrews neck directly over his scent glands. He had to force the air out of his lungs manually as he fought the urge to hold the omega in his lap until his heart beat went back to normal and his scent got rid of the sour scent of anxiety. Neil was practically leaning all his weight onto Andrews shoulder as he breathed in deeply. Andrew started breathing through his mouth to lesson the scent of Neil which was suffocating his senses and making it hard to decipher between his alpha instincts and his rational mind.

"See," Andrew said slowly once the omegas heart beat was practically back to normal. "I'm not mad."

The omega took a few more deep lungfuls of Andrews scent before whispering, "Thank you." His breath ghosting over Andrews skin making him suppress a shudder.

As soon as Neil was sitting up straight Andrew grunted and got up and out of there as fast as he possibly could. He couldn't sit there with him anymore and trust he wouldn't pull him in to savour the scent of Neil, completely relaxed and trusting of Andrew. He wasn't sure what he had done to earn the omegas trust like that, but Andrew could see it in the way Neil looked at him. Like he was his answer to everything.

But he wasn't his answer, and Neil sure as fuck wasn't his.

"You okay cuz?" Nicky asked as Andrew stomped into their dorm with much more aggression than he meant for. "You seem agitated."

"I'm fine," he grumbled as he grabbed his pack of cigarettes and a lighter and headed up to the roof.

He debated calling Bee, she would know what was going on with Andrew. And that was the problem, Andrew had a suspicion and he was afraid Bee would confirm it for him.

He refused the idea that he had a mate, let alone one who he knew he could hurt as easily as he could Neil. He'd be too afraid to loose control and go too far and trigger Neil, and traumatise him more than he already is. Neil didn't need Andrew to add to his plate of problems, he needed Andrew to protect him from the person who piled his plate so high in the first place.

He stayed on the roof chain smoking until the sun was gone and the stars were looming over head. He really should go to bed, he has a shift at the center tomorrow and he would need his energy to not be a complete asshole to the kids. He stubbed out his cigarette and flicked it over the side before getting up and trudging back down to his dorm and going to bed.

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