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Neil was shaking so bad Andrew was practically carrying him. Not that Andrew cared, he wanted Neil as close to him as possible. The foxes all grouped around Neil on there way into the court room to keep him safe, but that didn't do much to tamper Neils nerves.

The foxes lawyer, Mr. Rodgers, waves Neil and Andrew over to the table upfront. Wymack follows close behind.

"It's good to see you again!" Mr. Rodgers says getting up to shake their hands.

Andrew is on high alert, he sees all the Ravens in the stands and feels their eyes on his omega.

"Why don't we sit down and wait for it to officially start?" he says pulling a chair out for Neil and Andrew.

Neil immediately pulls his chair right up next to Andrews so it's easy for Andrew to have his arm around him protectively. He runs his hands through Neils hair and up and down his spine trying to calm him down enough to purr. Andrew will admit that partially he just wants to make Neil purr to rub it in Rikos face, but mostly he just wants to calm him down. The sound is genetically designed to be calming to their alpha, so that definitely plays a role in it as well.

Neil knows immediately when Riko comes into the room, he doesn't even have to look. He could smell him from a mile away. He instinctively pulls himself tighter into Andrews side, trying to make himself small enough to be able to hide in his alphas shoulder. Andrew growls as he locks eyes with the other alpha from across the room and puts his other arm over his omegas head to keep him close. He knows Neil isn't going anywhere but that doesn't mean he's going to just sit back and relax with someone who hurt him so close to his omega.

"Minyard," Riko smirks as he comes close enough. "Good to see your taking good care of my omega."

"He's not your omega," Andrew snarls.

Riko scoffs, "I guess we'll see about that."

His lawyer pulls him over to their side of the court, but Rikos eyes never leave Neil. They bite into Neils skin like teeth, leaving him whimpering slightly.

"It's okay Neil," Andrew soothes bringing his head up to his neck so he can scent him. He's gotten extremely good at controlling his pheromones for his omega to calm him down. Immediately Neil relaxes into Andrews arms and even starts purring.

Andrews glad for his superb memory because the look on Rikos face makes it all worth it. He turns beat red and jumped up to come storming over, but a police officer jumps up in between them to pull Riko back.

Tetsuji Moriyama shoves Riko back into his seat and starts talking to him in hushed words. Neil was oblivious to the whole exchange, to focused on his alpha, which is exactly what Andrew wanted.

Andrew watches the crowds reactions to Neil carefully. All the Ravens look somehow pissed off and aroused all at once, which amuses Andrew a great deal. Everyone else is looking at Neil like he's an adorable kitten.

"Keep that up when the judge comes out, it'll help the case," Mr. Rodgers says quietly to Andrew.

Finally the judge comes out and the rooms falls silent while she brings the court to order. Andrew watches as her lips quirk in a smile as she notices Neil laying on his alpha.

They say a bunch of non important things that Andrew pays little to no attention to and eventually Mr. Rodgers steps up to begin his opening statement.

"My client here today, Neil Josten, is looking to have his ownership order revoked. He was sold to the Moriyama family, specially Riko Moriyama, when he first presented as an omega at the age of 13 and has lived under Rikos abuse and tournament ever since. He was able to finally run away 5 months ago and ended up in the Palmetto Fox packs territory where they took him in, healed him and offered him protection. They were fighting for custody when Riko threatened Neil with the well-being his mate Andrew Minyard to coheres him back into his claws.

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