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10 years later. . .

"Shut the fuck up Day," Neil snapped at Kevin. "I promised the kids I'd dress up."

"Your wearing a onesie," Kevin said, pursing his lips together in an attempt to hide his laugh. "Why do you own a onesie."

Andrew snorted a laugh as he watched Neils face heat up in embarrassment.

"I let Leah pick it out since it's for her party," Neil said haughtily, jutting his chin up in defiance.

"He's had it since before Leah was born actaully," Andrew said with a smirk.

Neil glared at his husband, "Yeah and Andrew has a matching one. He wears it on movie nights."

Andrew growled, "You promised you'd never tell anyone that."

Neil smirked, "I crossed my fingers."

Andrew huffed and crossed his arms as he went to storm away from his mate. Neil grabbed him by the scuff of his neck, "If you can embarrass me I'm allowed to embarrass you."

"I hate you," Andrew pouted.

Neil kissed him. "You've been saying that since the day I first met you."

"I really mean it now."

"Dada!" their son Bryce said as he ran over wearing a spider man onesie for his older sister Leah's pyjama birthday party. Andrew scooped up his son, who he swore was getting way to big to be carried around all the time yet he still picked up all the time, with a small smile as he adjusted the onesie on him.

Kevin grinned, "I'm never gonna let him live that down."

"Good, now we can tag team him," Neil grinned wickedly.

"I'll stab you if you bring it up again," Andrew said warningly to Kevin.

The door bell rang and Neil went over and opened the door for Wymack and Abby, who suspiciously arrived together.

"Where's the birthday girl!" Abby said exitedly as she pushed past Neil.

"She's out in the backyard playing with her friends," Neil called after her as Abby disappeared into the house.

"I know you guys said no more toys," Wymack said with a mischievous grin. "But I've never listen to you two very well before though so."

Andrew groaned. "I swear if I see one more light up barbie that sings songs I'm gonna convince Leah that there haunted."

"Then she'll be scared of dolls," Neil scoffed.


Neil smacked Andrew upside the head. "If you ruin my daughters childhood because your a grumpy old man when your only 30 years old I swear."

"Your daughter? Last I checked she was a team effort," Andrew smirked.

"I thought you said a stork brought us?" Bryce asked curiously.

"Andrew," Neil scolded.

"We both had to send a letter to the storks," Andrew said, grimacing at his slip up.

Wymack and Kevin were already doubled over laughing.

"Can I have a brother! Can you and daddy ask for a brother!" Bryce said jumping around in Andrews arms.

"Sure," Neil grinned wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at Andrew.

"Imma head out," Kevin said pointing towards the rest of the party. Him and Wymack walked back into the house leaving Neil and Andrew with there son.

Pipe Dream: ANDREILWhere stories live. Discover now