Part 12 | Chloe

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You pulled up outside your house and jumped out of the car, running up to the front door. You gave three little knocks and waited, bouncing on the balls of your feet. Behind you the sound of cars doors opening and closing could be heard as everyone gathered behind you.

The door opened to reveal your Mother, looking confused. You hadn't told her you were coming today to surprise her.

"Surprise!" you said excitedly, doing jazz hands and smiling widely.

"Oh sweetheart!" she exclaimed, hugging you tightly. "I didn't know you were coming today!"

"That's the point of a surprise Mum" you chuckled, stepping back. "Mum, meet the Avengers Cast. Avengers Cast, meet my Mum, (Your Mum's name.)"

Her eyes widened slightly as there was a chorus of hello's. She waved at them all as your Dad stepped out. You gave him a nod. He didn't acknowledge you, just looked around at all actors.

"Did she force you to come with her?" he questioned.

"No, we came voluntarily" Lizzy answered with a smile. Your Dad looked sceptical.

"Who are you?" he asked, looking her up and down.

"Elisabeth Olsen, a friend of your daughter."

They shook hands before your Dad turned to all the others, shaking all their hands as well.

"I know you probably here this all the time, but I must say you are a very talented actor" you Mum said to Tom as the others all chatted to your Dad.

"Thank you ma'am, that's very kind" he answered, grinning down at you.

"So polite" El said, moving forward and hugging your Mum.

"El! How are you sweetheart?" She asked happily, holding her cheeks.

"My own mother loves my best friend more than me" you sulked, putting a hand to your forehead dramatically. Your parents excused themselves, your Dad taking Sebastian, Anthony, Paul, Aaron and Mark on a tour of the property and your Mum to make coffee for everyone.

"Y/N!" A voice shrieked. Someone small collided with you hard, bringing you both to the floor.

"Hey Chlo" You groaned as your little sister planted kisses all over your face.

"El!" She shouted excitedly, jumping up and leaping onto El, wrapping her legs around her waist. El laughed and hugged the enthusiastic little girl back.

"I've been abandoned by my own sister and Mother" you sighed, taking Tom's outstretched hand. He pulled you up and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Are you two dating?" Chloe asked excitedly.

"N/n wishes" Scarlett whispers yelled. You flipped her off.

"No, we're not" you replied, Chloe looking sad.

"Yet" RDJ added, making the group snicker.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" Chloe said happily, holding her hand out to Tom. He smiled at her formality.

"Hello Chloe, it's nice to meet you too, I'm Tom" he replied, smiling as he shook her small hand gently.

"You're really tall" she commented, tilting her head back to look up at him.

"Maybe you're just short" he teased.

She smiled. "Maybe, I am only six. I know this is a huge age gap, but ignore that. I just think this is super cute.

Tom knelt down so he was at eye level with her. "Is this better?"

Her smile widened as she nodded. "My sister talks about you all the time. Do you play the scary green man?"

On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now