Part 44 | Fairy Lights

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Finishing up a last interview, you moved away from the interviewer and looked around for Tom and Chloe, seeing the two heading towards you.

Chloe was holding onto his hand so she wouldn't get lost, causing the actor so have to bend over due to his considerable height.

"Hello my love" he greeted you, placing a kiss on your cheek. "How did the interview go?"

"Same as usual" you smiled. "Stop asking about me, this your movie. How were your interviews?"

"Very entertaining" he chuckled, crouching down beside your little sister.

"Tom said tomorrow we get to go see your movie on the big screen!" Chloe said excitedly, looking up at you.

"We do" you smiled, watching as Tom carefully fixed her hair bow that was on the verge of falling out. "Are you excited to see scary green man again?"


"And scary green woman now" Tom added with a smirk, glancing up at you.

"I am terrifying actually, get it right Hiddleston."

"Apologies L/n."

"Why are you calling each by your last names?" Chloe questioned.

"Because your sister has a bad sense of humour" Tom grinned, poking her cheek playfully before standing up beside you.

"You are so cruel to me! And for what reason?" You answered dramatically, laying the back of your hand in your forehead. "A travesty I say!"

"Drama queen" he chuckled, wrapping an arm around your waist as you leant against him.

A few minutes later your Mum and Chloe left, waving goodbye to see you both tomorrow.

The premier was mostly finished, however all the fans remained, hoping for a chance to talk to the pair of you.

"I bet you I could meet my fans and get autographs done faster than you" Tom challenged, a glint in his eye.

"Oh really? You dare to bet against me?"

"I do dare, I won last time" he smirked proudly. "Loser has to propose to a cast member of their choice."

"You're on" You grinned, getting ready to meet the groups of excited teens calling out to you. "Ready, set, go!"


"And look who wins this time" you smirked, finally finishing up and moving away from the barricades. "How are you going over there Hiddleston?"

"You are a pain my darling" he called back, shaking his head in amusement as he looked around at all the fans he still had to talk to.

Around half an hour later he was done as well, much to your satisfaction.

The two of you were now wandering around the gardens that were right beside the premier venue, making your way towards the dinner party that was being held for the cast members and everyone that was apart of making the film.

"Get ready to proposeeee!" You sang out, grinning proudly. "How does it feel to lose to me?"

"Pretty good" he smiled cheekily, laughing as you elbowed him in the side.

"So who are you going to propose to?"

"You'll see."

"Tell me!"

"That would ruin the surprise, and therefore the enjoyment of this whole idea" he countered, grinning at your pout. "You aren't convincing me with that face love."

"It was worth a shot."

Turning down a little pathway, you saw a beautiful archway ahead of you, flower covered vines trailing over the lattice to form a wall of green and white.

The inside was decorated with twinkly golden fairy lights, all wound carefully into the plants and hidden among the foliage so only their light could be seen, shining brightly against the dark of night.

"This is beautiful" you smiled, admiring it. "Do you think this is part of the dinner party?"

When you didn't hear an answer from your boyfriend, you turned around to see where he was and gasped.

Behind you, Tom was on one knee, a small box in his hands showing a beautiful golden ring.

"Y/n L/n, will you marry me?" He asked quietly, looking up at you with a mixture of love, excitement and fear swirling in his eyes.

"Yes" you whispered, trying to recover from the shock you felt.

He breathed a sigh of relief, rising from the ground to press his lips against yours before sliding the ring onto your finger.

"Technically you didn't follow the rules of the bet" you grinned, running your fingers through his slightly tussled red-brown hair where he'd clearly run his hands through it nervously. "I'm not a 'High Rise' cast member."

"I never specified which cast" he smiled cheekily, pressing another kiss to your lips. "I'd even figured out what I was going to say but it completely left my mind when I saw your reaction."

"It was perfect" you smiled, leaning your forehead against his chest. "I love you Mr Hiddleston."

"I love you more future Mrs Hiddleston."

Suddenly there was a crashing in the bush behind you and a voice yelled out "OKAY OKAY I'LL GIVE IT BACK GIVE ME ONE MOMENT!"

Peering through dark, your eyes finally adjusted enough to see El running around frantically being chased by camera men from the premier, clutching a large professional camera.

"El! What are you doing for goodness sake??" You called out as Tom burst out laughing behind you.

"Filming your engagement, duh!"

"How did you even find out about it?" Tom asked.

"Because I'm a genius! Now if you don't mind, I need to get my camera chip out and give these guys back their camera before they kill me, then I'll come over and congratulate you two!"

You and your fiancé laughed as she dashed away, the two of you watching her in the streetlights not far away.

Glancing up, you saw Tom admiring you, the glint in his eyes returning.

"How did I get so lucky?" He questioned aloud,  a smile gracing his features.


I went through the five stages of grief writing this because I can't have him😭 I need to get back into shifting

This is the last official chapter of this story, but I've decided to write an epilogue tomorrow :)

I hope you've enjoyed this story that took wayyy too long to write, thank you for sticking with it until the end

I started writing this February and here we are on the 20th of November

I wrote and published four chapters today🧍🏼‍♀️

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