Part 28 | I'm Flattered

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After filming, the three of you returned home to find a large box on your doorstep.

"So you're stuck with us now Hiddleston" El grinned, shutting the apartment door. (I know this isn't how lockdowns work, but shush, this is a fanfiction)

"On an upside" you added, dropping the box onto the table. "I have present you with clothes."

"Where did you get my clothes?" Tom questioned, looking at you skeptically.

"Never question El" you hummed, moving the box into your room.

Tom looked over at the girl who was currently sitting on the kitchen counter eating lemon slices.

Shaking his head, he followed you into your room to see re-organising your closet.

"Darling what are you doing?"

"Training a monkey."

He chuckled slightly, watching as you wandered back over to the bed and opened up the box.

"I'm rearranging the closet so you have room for your clothes, considering as you're stuck with us" you replied, carefully folding things into drawers.


"No excuses."

*This timeskip was brought you by Twisties, where life's a little straight without them (That's like a metaphor for my life)*

"I'm definitely stealing this."



Tom smiled as you pulled on one his hoodies, chuckling quietly when you struck a pose.

"Damn I look stylish" you declared, pushing the sleeves up so you could use your hands.

"You say that about every outfit my dear."

"Well I look stylish in everything."

Tom laughed, before agreeing.

There was a comfortable silence as you finished unpacking his clothes, refusing to let him help as 'he was your guest.'

"You know, I can't take you on a date because of the lockdown" he said eventually, looking at you sadly.

"I know" you smiled, laying on the bed beside him. "There's always after."

"Until then" he continued, propping himself up on one elbow. "I was wondering if... you'd like to be my girlfriend?" (Wtf that is the cheesiest thing I've ever written, please ignore that until I think of a better way to write that.)

His cheeks were slightly pink as he watched you carefully, his thumbs twirling together in nervousness.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Sitting up slightly, you kissed him gently as his figure relaxed in relief.

"Thank you" he whispered, kissing your forehead softly.


Glancing up, you a smirking El leaning in the doorway.

"Oh for fucks sake" Tom muttered, burying his face in the sheets as she laughed.

"I've only been here for about two seconds, so I didn't hear anything other than thank you" she reassured, grinning as you flipped her off.

"Sometimes I question my decision to live with you" you mumbled, ruffling Tom's hair before walking over to the girl.

"I question it too" he commented, rolling onto his back.

"Gee thanks guys, I'm feeling really loved."

"You should" you and your boyfriend commented, smirking at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Come on idiots, it's movie night. While you two were becoming a couple I made popcorn. Let's go."

Grabbing your hand, she dragged you into the laundry before turning to face you.

There was silence for a omens before the two of you began whisper shrieking, jumping around like high schoolers.

"You're dating the Tom Hiddleston!" She whisper shouted as you smiled widely.

"I think I'm hallucinating" you answered, laying a dramatic hand on your forehead.

She laughed before giving you a tight hug. "Congratulations."

"I can't believe it actually happened, considering how many times you managed to interrupt" you chuckled, wrapping your arms around her.

"I know, I have many talents."

"Well now it's my turn to get you with Chris."

Her face paled. "Don't even think about it."

"Already thought about, sorry!" You sang out, skipping over to the door and pulling it open to see Tom standing there with an amused look. "How much of that did you hear?"

"Not much" he shrugged, doing a good job of acting innocent. But then again, it was his job.

"How long we're you there for?"

"Oh, just since the two of you were whisper shrieking like teenagers."

Your face heated up as he laughed, Tom wrapping his arms around your waist and planting a kiss on your temple.

"I'm flattered" he whispered in your ear. "And I'm helping getting El with Chris."


The decision has been made! *Drumroll please*

The story shall be...


Everyone who voted in time requested a longer story, so a longer one you shall get! It may mean sometimes I post every two days, just to give my brain time to conjure some interesting shit for you guys, but I'll work my magic and see what I can do

I'm glad you're enjoying this silly hobby of mine so much, and I'll see you all tomorrow <33

On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now