Part 31 | In Motion

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The actor looked up as you skipped into the room, a grinning Tom following behind.

"What do you want?"

"So rude" you sighed, sitting on the table in front of him. "I have an offer."

"A wonderful one, might I add" Tom commented, leaning on the back of Chris's chair.

"And it is?"

"How would you feel about having someone come in and help with your hair and makeup? You know, speed up the process?" You suggested, Tom grinning at you in the mirror.

"That'd be fun!" Chris exclaimed, smiling excitedly.

"Awesome!" You relived, jumping off the table and grabbing Tom's hand.

"El will be here tomorrow morning" Tom added, smirking at his best friend.

"El??" He sputtered, his eyes widening.

"Yep" you said, grinning evilly. "Bye Chris!"


"Bye!" Tom shouted back, quickly shutting the door.


The next morning, a very flustered El stood outside Chris's door, taking a deep breath.

"Come on El, he'll be so excited to see you" Tom reassured gently.

"El, get your ass in there before I hang you from the prop cables."

"N/n!" Tom whisper shouted, elbowing you lightly on the side.

"No no, she's right" El answered, nodding to herself. "Suck it up Ellina."

Ad with that, she stepped inside, shutting the door behind her.

"Bingo" you grinned, turning to Tom. "It's a love hate relationship, it's how we motivate each other."



I'm so sorry guys,m this is so short, I have a dance competition tomorrow so there probably be one tomorrow but I wanted to give you this shitty quarter chapter I had

Sorry for not getting one out last night either, I had a five hour practice, meaning I was at school for ELEVEN HOURS🥲

I know I know, excuses excuses, I promise I'll get it together🥲

On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now