Part 33 | Idiots

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"Hi!" An enthusiastic girl exclaimed after she was given the microphone. "We all know you guys inspire so many people, so I just wanted to ask you, who did you all look up to as children and why?"

"Thank you, that's very sweet" Lizzy smiled. "And such an interesting question."

The cast all thought about it for a moment, Lachlan going down the line and asking everyone for their answer.

"And lastly, who did you look up to Y/n?" Lachlan questioned, all eyes turning to you.

"I'd say my parents" you replied with a smile.

The crowd awed as the cast snickered.

"Where's the catch?" Chris asked with a chuckle.

"That's very sweet, why did you look up to them?" Lachlan asked.

You grinned. "Well they were taller than me."

Everyone burst out laughing as the cast playfully rolled their eyes, chuckling to themselves.

Tom was laughing beside you, running a hand softly through your hair.

"They like you" he murmured in your ear.

"I'm just hilarious."

He smiled. "And that's why."


"Well that was eventful" Taika declared as the cast all walked out together. "I say we got her some lunch."

"Food is the key to my heart" you answered, swinging the hand holding Tom's. "Let's go!"

"Child" Tom H chuckled.

"Hey! I'm three years younger than you Holland."

"But you could pass for a five year with that mentality" Rdj grinned.

"Another word and I'm screening the hunny bunnies video."

The actor glared at you as the other laughed, straight of his dark suit with a huff of annoyance.

"Don't you dare."

"What's the hunny bunnies video?" Mark asled, looking confused. "Should I be concerned?"

"Yes" Jeremy interjected. "Very."

"Hey hunny bunnies! Are you ready for a hoppin cool announcement?" You quoted, putting on a fake smile.

"Oh not that video" Paul groaned. "That's going to live in my brain forever."

"As it should" Robert smirked, striking a pose. "Now, let's go eat."

"Dramatic much" Aaron chuckled as Rdj strutted a few meters in front of the group.

"Well he is an actor" Chris added.

Scarlett mock gasped. "Wow, really Chris?? We had no idea! What a brilliant observation!"

"Taika they're being mean to me" Chris sulked, pouring over at the director.

"Aw, poor baby Chris" he answered, strong him on the shoulder. "Whatever shall we do?"

"Starve to death" Chris E whinged.

"Man child" Tom snickered.

"Hey! I am not- where's Anthony and Sebastian??"

You all spun around, searching for the pair of actors who had miraculously disappeared.

"Idiots" you muttered, checking behind a bush. "Honestly, you'd have thought that by now-"


Stumbling back with a shout, you saw the two of them sitting behind a shrub, giggling like children.

"We're getting lunch now, come on idiots" you grumbled as Tom laughed. "Shut it Hiddleston."

"No can do my darling, that was quite entertaining" he chuckled, kissing your temple.


Sorry for the late update everyone! I fell asleep last night, and the night before I finally watched MazeRunner!

It was so good and I am now in love with Newt

Anyway, enjoyyyy

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