Part 25 | Qualities

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"Don't tell me you killed him" El fretted, looking up as you strutted dramatically into the house.

"Does pepper spraying him and changing his phone password count as death?" Tom mused, smiling as El rolled her eyes.

"N/n, I'm pretty sure that's illegal."

"So?" You replied, rolling your eyes. "He better not come back or else."

"Or else what?"

Smirking, you reached into your pocket and pulled out a taser, sparking it menacingly.

El looked surprised at Tom sighed.

"Darling, you can't just taser people."

"What he's doing is technically abuse."

The actor just rolled his again as El examined the machine with excitement.

"Where did you get a taser??" She asked eagerly as you put it away carefully.


"I'm revoking your Amazon account" Tom commented, grinning as you glared at him.

"Hiddleston, I have to buy another one for El, and one for backup."

*This timeskip was brought to you by Lipton. No thoughts, just Lipton*

"What are you doing my dear?"

Looking up from your laptop, you saw Tom leaning in the door way, watching you suspiciously.

"Buying another taser."

With sigh, he slid into tue bed beside you, raising his eyebrows at the range they had. "Why are there so many options?"

"In case you need one to go with every outfit."

"People are insane" he mumbled, rolling onto his stomach and squishing his face into the pillow.

"I take pride in that" you grinned, pressing order and closing the laptop. "I'd say it's one of my best qualities."

He mumbled something into the pillow.

"Thomas, I can't understand when you speak into a pile of feathers wrapped in cloth."

Smiling slightly at your description, he rolled onto his side, facing you.

"I said, you have many better qualities than that."

Your face heated up slightly as he carefully placed the device on your bedside table and pulling you down beside him.

"Goodnight Hiddleston" you whispered, closing your eyes as he pressed his lips gently to yours.

"Goodnight my darling."


You had the day off today. Tom had to go in for a quick scene but would be back soon.

Meanwhile, you and El were currently sitting in the lounge room drinking tea and chatting.

"He finally kissed you didn't he?" She said suddenly, smiling at you over the rim of her mug.

"What??" You spluttered, choking the tea you just drank. "No!"


Glaring at her, you took a sip of your tea as she grinned proudly.

"I knew it!"

"Oh shut up" you grumbled.

"Never. So are you two dating yet?" She asked, settling down again.

You thought for a moment. "I don't know, we haven't established anything."

At that moment there was the jingling of keys in the door, Tom slipping inside with a smile.

Before he could say anything, El spoke.

"Ask her already dumbass, you clearly both like each other, so start acting like adults" she stated before easing her mug in the sink and retreating to her room.


"She figured it out" you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"I see."

Placing his bag down, he sat down beside you, kissing your temple gently.

"How was filming?" You asked, tucking your legs up to your chest and curling into his side.

"Insane, as well" he chuckled, wrapping arm around your waist. Then he hesitated. "I wanted to ask you something."


"Well, I was wondering if... you maybe wanted to go on a date? You don't have to, I thought-"

Placing a hand over his mouth, you shook your head in amusement as he ceased his nervous rambling.

"I would love to" you replied quietly, leaning in to kiss his cheek. At the last second he turned his head to face you, pecking you lightly on the lips.




✨Ta da✨

There's a massive ass moth in my room and I can hear it walking over my cupboard


On Set | Tom Hiddleston x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now