Part 13 | Proud

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"So, you and Tom huh?"

Looking up from your cooking, you could see your Mum smiling at you. You shook your head.

"Just friends" you answered.

She raised her eyebrows. "Do you want it to be that way?"

You stayed silent, letting her know. "I thought so."

"Oh shush" you replied with a laugh.


"GUESS WHAT MUMMY!" Chloe shouted, running into the kitchen pulling Tom along by the hand.

"What is it Chlo?"


She chuckled quietly, already aware. "Really?"

"Yeah! And she's going to be a magic lady too and she's in love with scary green man!"

Your Mum didn't know this part. She grinned over at you while you looked determinedly down at the food you were cooking.

Then Chloe gasped and turned around to face Tom. "Wait here" she instructed before running away.

"That tiaras really fetching" you said to Tom, reaching up to straighten it with a smirk.

"She threatened to never let me drink tea again if took it off" he replied, smiling.

"Sorry, she's quit hyperactive" your Mum said to Tom, looking a bit worried.

"It's no bother, she adorable."

"He's fine, he gets to wear a tiara, drink from a plastic teacup and eat paper cupcakes. What more could you want in life?" You teased, struggling to untie the apron.

Tom sighed and spun you around, loosening the straps. "I thought it was just Chloe's terrible tying skills, but know I know you just can't untie things."

"Well I can do other things."



He and your Mum snickered as he slid the apron off your shoulders. You thanked him and folded it up, hanging it on the door of the oven.

"Fire hazard" he pointed out, looking at the material.

"You're a fire hazard."


"You're so hot, we know" you answered, realising too late how that sounded. You groaned as he smirked.

"Oh really n/n?" Your Mum asked, grinning at you.

"Shut up! I didn't mean it like that!" You grumbled, poking her with a spatula.

"Sure sure."

At that moment, Chloe came racing back, sparing you from the embarrassment.

"Look!" she said excitedly, holding up a piece of paper to Tom. He crouched down in front of her, smiling as he saw the drawing she had made.

"Is that the scary green man?" he asked as the little girl nodded proudly.

"I made it for you" she replied happily, smiling widely as he gasped.


She nodded, passing to him. "Thank you" he smile, giving her a hug.

"You should marry him" you Mother whispered in your ear as the both of you watched the two of them.


She held up her hands in surrender. "Just saying!"

"Fuck off."

"You first."

Tom chuckled as he stood up again, giving Choe a piggy-back. "I see it runs in the family."

"I'm not that bad!" you exclaimed, rolling your eyes as both of them raised their eyebrows at you.

"I have proof" Taika interjected as he walked in the door. He pulled out his phone and played a compilation of every time he'd got you swearing on camera.

"I taught her that" your Mother said with a proud smile as you all laughed.


"I'll come see you in the next few days before I go, okay? And I'll even take you to Miss Lillian's ice cream shop" you said to a sad Chloe. She nodded, jumping up to hug you.

She then hopped down and ran over to Tom who scooped her up, hugging her gently.

Robert placed a hand on your shoulder. You flicked it off sassily.

"Absolutely not!" You declared.

"This is fine Asgardian leather!" You and Chloe chorused. You grinned and held up your hand for her to high five.

"I have raised her well" you said proudly, ruffling her hair. Tom smiled as the others all chuckled.

"Enough with your stupid Marvel references" your Father grumbled.

"Nope. I work for them now" you answered with a smirk. "Also, they're Loki references, they are way better. Bye Mum, bye Chlo!"

They both waved as everyone piled into the vehicle, Tom sitting in the passengers seat this time.

You all waved one last time as you pulled away down the drive.

"Your sister is so cute" Tom said with a smile.

"She is" you replied, pulling up at a small store. "Chris, you said you needed paper towels, does anyone need anything else?"

You wrote a quick list and ran into the store, coming out a few minutes later with a basket. As you walked over to the mini bus, someone called your name.

Spinning around, you saw El's ex-boyfriend Michael walking towards you.

"So, are you still a loser?" He taunted, smirking.

"Never was" you answered simply, walking over to the door of the vehicle and opening it, passing the groceries in before closing it again. "Now fuck off."

"No, I don't think I will. How's your job going? Oh, that right, I forgot, you don't have one."

In one quick movement you spun around and punched him hard in the nose. He shouted out, falling back onto the ground.

"You know, you should really go watch the new Avengers movie when it comes out, I heard there's this really good new actress in it" you smirked, shaking out your hand as he cowered on the ground, blood dripping from his clearly broken nose. "I also heard that her best friends ex boyfriend is a psycho who got punched in the nose twice by the girl he used to torment."

And with that, you strode back around to the drivers door and hopped in, promptly driving away.

"Are you alright love?" Tom asked worriedly, placing a gentle hand on your cheek.

"Go ask him, he's the one who just got his nose bent back the other way" you replied, grinning. He laughed, looking relieved as the others laughed.

"Good job sweetheart" Taika said proudly. "He deserved that."

"That's my girl" Scarlett added, looking just as proud as Taika.


Currently vibing down here in Aus, eleven pm and going strong

I know this chapter is SUPER late, I had family friends over today so sorry about that, but I hope you enjoy this!

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