chapter 1: Prologue

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In Springfield Elementary School, Ms. Hoover came to her students with envelopes.

"Pen Pal letters!"

"Oh, boy!" Lisa was very excited to hear from her pen pal more than the others who felt like it was just extra school work.

"Ms. Hoover, my pen pal died..." Ralph Wiggum pouted with a pen in his hand which had just run out of ink.

"No, Ralph, your pen pal is someone you write to who lives outside of Springfield, remember?" Ms. Hoover glanced at him before passing an envelope to him. "Your pen pal is very likely alive."

Ralph took the envelope and cheered. "Yay, stranger danger!"

Lisa happily took her enevelope and OPENED it up to hear from her newest pen pal who lived in Rhode Island. She wished there was something she could do for her pen pal though besides writing to each other all the time due to their rough families. Lisa related a lot with her pen pal, though her family was actually better in comparison than her pal's. Her pen pal had to live with being ignored and abused by her family with rare comforting moments from her mother, being told to shut up on a frequent basis by her father, and the harsh, soul crushing self-esteem crushing from mean girls in school. Lisa had an idea and raised her hand quickly.

Ms. Hoover looked back and sighed exhaustively. "Yes, Lisa?"

"Ms. Hoover, I was thinking about something that would help our young, developing, and growing minds." Lisa spoke up with a smile, cuing the other kids to groan in dismay and sink in their desks.

"Carry on, Lisa." Ms. Hoover sighed AGAIN.

"Our big summer break is coming up," Lisa replied, reminding as she kept her smile despite the other kids not liking her thoughts and opinions. "What if we mail our pen pals and have them spend the summer here in Springfield and we can hang out with them?"

Ms. Hoover merely shrugged, looking as not interested as the other students in the room. "If you want... I really don't care."

"Shouldn't we talk to Principal Skinner about it?" Lisa prompted.

"It's never easy pleasing you..." Ms. Hoover muttered under her breath and spoke up vocally. "Very well, Lisa... We'll run it by Principal Skinner and have him arrange for our pen pals to come over for spring break."

Lisa smiled, feeling appreciated. She and the other students then wrote responding letters to their pen pals to have them visit the area sometime soon for summer break. Not only would it be very social, fun, and accepting, but highly EDUCATIONAL to learn from each other in person.

Principal Skinner agreed, though probably just didn't want Lisa to be a nuisance with the educational system again, but allowed the pen pals to visit Springfield. The last day of school would be a very great one, because then soon, Lisa would receive a visit from her pen pal, she had been anxious to meet this girl she had written to for a long time now. Bart was excited for a different reason. It would mean report cards and if he got a C average, Homer promised to take the kids to Kamp Krusty, even Lisa's pen pal.

"Hello, Bart, Lisa," Marge smiled at her children as they left school. "Are we excited about summer vacation?"

"Oh, yes, Mom!" Lisa beamed. "Especially that I'll get to meet Megan!"

"Who?" Bart asked.

"You know," Lisa narrowed her eyes to her brother. "My pen pal that I've been writing to since September!"

"Oh, her," Bart puffed air and rolled his eyes. "That means another geeky girl to spend the summer with..."

"Bart, I expect you to be on your best BEHAVIOR when we see Megan, we're going to be picking her up tomorrow afternoon," Marge said as she started the car. "That's why I'm taking you home instead of the bus today. We need to get some food for her. She might like different stuff than we do."

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