chapter 40: Valentine's Day in Quahog

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About a month after the incident, Meg made up with Bart and Lisa and like that, Meg was friends with the Simpsons again. Especially since now it was February. It was, as they said, right in the middle of Black History Month. 

There are a thousand hearts in Quahog, a thousand stories, some people didn't have any stories, others got two. Today was Valentine's Day and for once, it might be a happy one this year, since Meg and Bart have become really close lately. 

Plus it was a weekend day, a pretty good time to spend the entire day with one's beloved. Bart and Meg made plans while Lisa decided to do something nice with either Neil or Sarah, she couldn't decide which one she was more fond of, they both understood and wouldn't pressure her into choosing just one of them. 

Meg came downstairs from her room, wearing a nice blue dress with black flats, she had noticeably become a little chubby lately while her family called her flat-out fat. The Simpsons thought maybe she was gaining weight, but they were polite enough not to ask about it. 

The thing about Meg gaining weight wasn't because of overeating, it was for another case, but she had to keep it hidden from everybody, but maybe today, she could get it off her chest to admit to to her love bug.

"Wow, Meg, you look nice," Brian said, surprisingly nice enough. "You got a date?" 

"Yeah, Bart and I are really hitting it off," Meg said with a smile. "Our first Valentine's Day together. I'm very excited."

"Okay, remember to see if he likes you for you or some crap like that," Stewie spoke up. "Seem interested... Listen... Giggle... Swallow..."

The door bell then rang.

"That must be him," Meg nearly squealed as she went for the door, she saw Bart was in fact at the door, wearing a suit with a pink rose corsage. "Happy Valentine's Day, Bart."

Bart kissed her on the lips, then stepped back. "Happy Valentine's Day, Meg," he then let out his arm for her. "Shall we go."

Meg nodded, linking her arm with his, then looked to her dog and baby brother. "Don't wait up, boys~..." she said before going off with him. "I'm so excited, this feels like a real Valentine's Day..."

"I know what you mean," Bart said as he walked with her to the car. Your chariot awaits."

"You sure Homer doesn't mind you using his car?" Meg said as she helped herself to the passenger seat.

"Totally sure," Bart smiled as he started the car so they could go off together for their romantic day in Quahog. "Where would you like to eat, hon?"

"Nothing too fancy, but not crummy either... Maybe a small diner?"

Bart shrugged, then went to find the right enough place for the both of them. "So... Umm... What's your family doing?"

Meg shrugged. "Oh, Brian's probably got a date with some chick... I heard Mom and Dad are spending the whole day in bed... Can't say for sure what Chris is up to, but I heard Mr. Herbert has a granddaughter or somethin' visiting him."

"Hey, why does Brian go out with human girls? Shouldn't he be with... Oh, I dunno... A cocker spaniel or a poodle or something?"

"I never really got that either... Then again, I attract more dogs than he does..."

"Ah, Meg, you're beautiful, I don't get why everyone thinks you're ugly..." Bart nearly scoffed, of course not to her, but just to everyone else in this town, it was like the whole universe was against her. 

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