chapter 35: 15 Minutes of Shame

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A while later, Meg and her family, except for Brian and Stewie were invited to be in the audience of the show. Before they left, Meg quickly called Lisa and told her to tune into the show to see what they could do. It was also going to give Meg a little taste of the old 15 minutes of fame deal.

"Lisa, it's time for Meg's show!" Homer called from downstairs.

"Coming, Dad!" Lisa called back, then was about to hang up the phone. "Sarah, I gotta go right now... I'll talk to you later, okay?" 

'Okay, Lisa, sorry I couldn't come to the slumber party.'

"It's okay, we understand, why don't you watch the show too? It's channel 5!"

'Okay, I will!'

Lisa smiled, then hung up the phone and went to the family room to join the family of the show. 

'Hello, and welcome to Diane!' Diane Simmons greeted to the audience, whether in her studio or at home. 'Today's guest is tired of being embarrassed by her family. Let's bring them up right now: the Griffin family.'

"This should be good," Homer chuckled, rubbing his hands together like a villain. "Get that family what they deserve."

"I wonder how Meg's family will treat her after this episode." Bart wondered.

"Well, if your father or I embarrass you kids, you don't have to go on TV about it, okay?" Marge reminded her kids.

"Oh, Mom, we'd never do that to you," Lisa looked back to her mother with a smile, as did Bart and Maggie. "You and Dad MAY embarrass us sometimes, but you're tame compared to the Griffins."

After commercials, the show started again and now Meg, Peter, Lois, and Chris were guests on the show. 

"Griffins, do you have anything to say to your daughter?" Diane asked the majorly dysfunctional family.

"I can't believe you'd do this to us, Meg," Peter looked sharply to his only daughter. "Maybe now I won't give you the antidote."

"To what?"

"To the poison you just drank." Peter laughed wildly and crazily, startling and mortifying Meg.

"See what I mean?" Meg scoffed, but tried to sound sympathetic with Diane and the audience. "This is NOT normal!"

"Run away to our house and rebuild your life while your parents try to burn your room down!" Homer yelled out.

"Homer, she can't hear you..." Marge said as she started to knit up a sweater.

"I'll make him hear me..." Homer growled.

"What's the big deal?" Peter asked as he was labeled as 'embarrassing fat moron'. "I mean, we're just a regular American family."

"Yeah, that grew up under power-lines." Bart scoffed, making his family laugh with him.

"Bart, that's rude, but you're right..." Even Marge couldn't keep from giggling.

Bart then went away for a moment as Peter and Meg were arguing how badly humiliated Meg was, even at an unspeakable church service.

"We have a caller on the line," Diane said on TV. "Go ahead."

"Yeah, umm... Is there a Mr. Coholic there?" Bart asked, feeling nostalgia of prank phone calling, only this time, it wasn't Moe's Tavern. "First name: Al."

"Umm... I'll check," Diane said, this made the Simpson family look to Bart. "Al Coholic? Is there an alcoholic here?"

This made the audience laugh and Bart did as well.

"Young man, this is a very important show, now if you don't mind, I'd like to solve some problems for people with troublesome issues, don't let me hear you again!" Diane hissed before hanging up.

Bart came back into the living room, laughing. "Ah... Good times... Good times..." he then smiled once he saw that even Meg was laughing on TV, it made him blush a little.

"I am not an alcoholic!" Peter snapped on the TV. "I'm just liquor holding impaired!"

"Meg, you have two parents who love you and—" Lois started to soothe her daughter, but then saw what the TV labeled her as: 'probably more of a bitch than she lets on'. 

"Consider that my revenge for your parenting, Red!" Marge taunted, even if she knew that the family on TV wouldn't hear her.

"Marge... She can't hear you..." Homer said to his wife, like he thought she didn't know about the rules of TV.

"What does that say under me?" Lois just realized, then looked very angry. "Oh, you can go fuck yourself, Diane."

This made the Simpson family shocked. Somehow, Lois was able to say that on national TV. 

"Peter, do you think there might be any validity to what Meg is feeling?" Diane asked the patriarch.

"Who are you calling 'Uncle Tom'!?" Peter snarled, getting up and wanted to bash Diane with a chair.

"STOP MAKING RANDOM REFERENCES NOBODY GETS!" Lisa snapped to the Griffin family, she hated it when they did that.

"Okay, time-out," Chris stood up. "This kind of acrimony isn't going to resolve our differences.

"Just shut up and throw a chair." Peter demanded as he threw one to the audience.

"Okay!" Chris grabbed the chair Lois was sitting in and threw it against the cameraman.

This made the audience very rowdy and actually seemed to like the Griffins. Except, of course, the Simpsons. 

About an hour after the show Meg came over. Marge and Homer decided that Meg was such a good friend to Bart and Lisa and that they were very fond of her as well that, as of now, she didn't need to ring the doorbell. They practically let her be part of the family. 

"So, how was your 15 minutes of shame?" Bart chuckled as he reached for a cookie that Marge baked for them.

"It's not over," Meg said as she ate a cookie. "Now the whole world can know how embarrassing my family is... Somehow Dad got us to be part of this new reality show called 'Real Live Griffins'. I'll be an international social outcast!"

"Yargh," Lisa grimaced. "You want us to come over and do something about it?"

"Thanks guys, but I don't think even you could fix this," Meg sighed as she nearly crumbled her cookie in the palm of her hand due to her frustration of this whole shenanigan caused by Peter. "Oops..."

"We're sorry to hear that, Meg," Bart gently hugged the girl with a smile. "We're here for you..."

"Thanks, guys... I knew I could count on you..." Meg smiled as they let go so then Lisa could hug her. 

"Whatever happens, just remember, our door is always open for you." Lisa coaxed, patting her hand on Meg's hand.

Meg smiled, she felt a little bit better. She then took some cookies to go and decided that she should get back home. 

"You gonna watch their show?" Lisa asked.

"Just to keep an eye on Meg, those reality show producers might not even let us go see her," Bart scoffed. "I just hope this doesn't last long..." 

"Me too." 

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