chapter 10: Itchy and Scratchy Land

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"Wow, this park's really busy... Then again, it is summer..." Meg shrugged.

"Your family ever go to parks for the summer, Meg?" Lisa asked.

"We tried to go to Disney once... But... My family forgot me at the airport..."

"Man, your family sucks worse than mine," Bart snorted. "Ya know, I need to get outta here and we can run away together, we'll just live in a tree-house together and Mom'll give us cookies and milk."

Lisa giggled a little. "Bart, you couldn't do that... Meg's family would miss her..."

"Sometimes I'm not so sure about that..." Meg mumbled as she walked with them until they got to the front gate.

"One adult and four children." Homer said once they got up to the booth.

"Would you like to buy some Itchy and Scratchy money?" the woman asked.

"What's that?"

"Well, it's money that's made just for the park," the woman explained, which excited the kids. "It works just like regular money, but... Er... It's fun..."

"Do it, Dad!" Bart begged.

"Well, okay, if it's fun..." Homer shrugged, but smiled. "Let's see, I'll take $1,100 worth." He walked in with the family, however, strangely enough, the signs said they didn't take Itchy and Scratchy money.

"That's weird... Well, hopefully we can still have fun." Meg shrugged as she stood with Bart and Lisa.

"Yeah!" They agreed, smiling wickedly and excitedly.

"Let's just all try to have fun now." Meg smiled to them.

"Megan's right, we might as well make the most of it, Homie." Marge soothed her husband.

Homer smiled at her, willing to do it then.

The Simpsons and Meg went through a ride known as the Tavern on the Scream. The kids liked it, but Marge of course found it too violent and disturbing, but the workers assured her it was fine.

Bart opened a menu shaped like a bomb, then got a waiter's attention. "I'll have a brain burger with extra pus."

"Bart!" Marge snapped.

"Eyeball stew." Homer added.

"Homer!" Marge scolded him. "We just got here and already I'm mortified beyond belief by your embarrassing behavior."

"Mrs. Simpson?" Meg got her attention, then handed her a menu. "It's just regular food with gross names."

"Oh," Marge took her menu, calming down then. "Sorry about that, Megan."

"It's okay, I had the same reaction when Bart wanted something gross," Meg smiled calmly, then looked to the waiter. "I think you should put her down for an order of baby guts."

"You are a disgusting little girl." the waiter wrinkled his nose to her, making her frown a little.

"Meg, that was veal..." Lisa told her a little embarrassingly.

Meg sighed and sunk in her seat. "I know, I know, 'shut up, Meg'."

Bart frowned. "Hey... No one's tellin' ya to shut up... We would never do that to you..."

"My Dad would do it to me for no reason..." Meg rolled her eyes, she seemed unaware that Bart was slowly, but actually unknowingly, getting a crush on her.

"Oh, Meg, could you do me a favor?" Marge handed her infant daughter to the girl. "I think Maggie would like it if you took her to the child care center."

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