chapter 43: Fistful of Bart

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It was finally Friday and the clock seemed to go very slow and quick at the same time. Bart was still determined to challenge Mike for Meg's sake. Meg was more worried about Bart now than she was about herself. At least now she didn't have to fear an untimely death because of an insane bully. 

Lisa, Sarah, and Neil were quite angered with Patty, Esther, and Ruth ditching poor Meg like that, they couldn't even imagine what would happen if Meg was left alone to face this bully. Bart was still ready, if he died, he would die with pride, if he lived, he would be beloved in the school.

He didn't care about the fame though. He did this because he loved Meg and he wanted to help her. If only Kearney, Dolph, and Jimbo could see him now. Bart was in the boy's bathroom, getting himself in shape and ready to beat down Mike the best way he could. 

"Bart...?" a voice asked.

Bart turned to see Meg come in. "Meg, this is the boy's bathroom."

"I know... There's something I wanna talk to you about before you go out there."

Bart looked a little cautious. "If this is about my wedding proposal, I was serious..."

"I know... It makes me very happy... You know how I've been throwing up a lot in the morning and gaining a bit of weight lately?" Meg asked him.

"Yeah, I figured you had the flu and your parents were too careless to take care of you, so they made you come to school."

"Actually, Bart... There's a different reason for that... I'm not sick... It's just... Bart... After Halloween... I... I... I found out I was—"

Mental Mike barged in the room then, looking aggressive and sick as always. "It's 3:00, Griffin!"

"Change your plans, Pulaski, I'm takin' you down!" Bart snarled.

Mental Mike snorted. "I never minded fightin' a little pussy."

Bart was very angry, he then saw Mike leave. "Come on, Meg, I have a fight to go through."

"Bart, you don't have to do this!" Meg cried out. "He's mad at me, not you!"

"Meg, I'm doing this because I love you... No matter what happens, I will always love you..." he then hugged the girl and went down the hallway to meet the other kids in the parking lot.

Meg heaved a sharp sigh, then followed him out. Lisa and Neil came by her sides. After Neil got over his obsession with Meg and had a possible thing for Lisa, the two became the best of friends. Even when Meg would sometimes visit the Simpsons house, Marge or Homer would tell her she would be out with Neil. 

At least Neil found himself some happiness. Meg looked a little horrified once she saw everybody in the school crowded and ready to see the fight between Mike and Bart. She just couldn't watch. Sarah held Meg, she just couldn't bear to even look.

"Pretty gay of you to defend Meg Griffin, Simpson!" a boy called out.

"I loved you!" Connie D'Amico cried.

Bart ignored the calls of him being taunted for defending Meg, but he didn't care. He loved Meg and he wasn't going to let her get hurt. Mental Mike looked even worse up close than he did from a distance. Bart was sure he was going to die right now, but he was going to take it like a brave hero and not a coward. He was scared indeed, but he wasn't going to let his cowardice get in the way of his goals to protect the woman he loved. 

Mental Mike came for Bart and started to pound him without even holding back. Bart got in a lot of pain, but he bit Mike on the fist before the next fierce punch to his face, making Mike scream out. Bart then pounced on top of Mike and started to pound him right back, with some blood flying. Mike then lifted his feet up over Bart's stomach and flung him backward, making him hit the pavement hard and sharply.

Mental Mike then banged Bart's head against the black top aggressively, but then Bart grabbed his wrist and started to sharply scratch at it with his nails. Mental Mike yelled out in pain, nearly bleeding and then Bart gave him a blow to the cheek, popping a few teeth out from his mouth. 

Bart then kicked Mike clear in the face, making him fall down and then Bart did what he knew best: Strangling Mike. He wouldn't care if he would go to jail for this or not, he couldn't stand to have Meg in worse pain than he was right now. Mental Mike punched him off and towered over Bart, but then Bart gave him a sharp kick in the groin, then grabbed Mike, spinning around in a circle before flinging Mike out of the school parking lot and crashed into one of the students' cars.

"MY CAR!" Connie's best friend, Gina Cranston, called out.

Mental Mike then tried to drive the car, making the students run out of the way. Bart blinked and then ran off the best he could as it looked like he was going to be hit by a car for the second time of his life. The first time, of course, being from Mr. Burns and Smithers. 

"BART!" Meg cried, she was really worried about him.

Bart kept running as Mike was aggressively driving and had a very sadistic grin on his face. Bart hopped over the incoming railroad tracks and fell down, unable to move. Mike grinned, he had Bart right where he wanted him. Unfortunately for Mike, the car tires popped from the railroad spikes. Mike still glared at Bart and the yellow-skinned boy put his arm over his face. This looked like the end. That was, until the 3:30 train was heard.

Mental Mike was just about to move the car out of the way, but suddenly, a speeding train rushed over, destroying the car and Mike was nothing more than a pile of flesh, bones, and blood. 

Bart blinked, he weakly looked to the tracks and looked very shocked at the results. "Ay carumba!"

When the train passed by, Meg, Lisa, Sarah, and Neil were on the other side of the tracks, safe and sound from harm.

"BART!" Meg rushed to the boy, hugging him. "You're okay!"

"Yeah..." Bart said softly. "Can one of you call an ambulance?"

"I'll call my mom, she's a nurse." Sarah took out her cell phone.

"Bart, that was so brave of you to sacrifice yourself for Meg..." Lisa said softly to her brother. "Thank God you're okay..."

"I never seen anything like that in all my years in James Woods High!" Neil was pleased.

Bart smiled weakly. Thanks, guys... I didn't think I was gonna make it..."

Meg smiled with tears in her eyes, then kissed Bart on the lips gently. "I'll miss you..." she said since it seemed unlikely Bart would be able to come back to class for a while.

"I'll miss you too, Meg... And if I don't make it... I hope you lead a happy and healthy life..."

Meg smiled, nearly sniffling. No one has said anything so beautiful to her like that before. This was truly a day in school that Meg would fondly remember for the rest of her life. She then put a hand on her stomach and deeply hoped that Bart would turn out okay and wouldn't spend his final moments of life in the hospital. 

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