chapter 22: Saving Springfield... Or Are They?

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The kids were liking their new life in Alaska. Meg even didn't think about her old hometown and considered Springfield to be her home. The kids often spent evenings after playing in the snow watching TV with Homer and Marge. 

It was pleasant for a good while until TV had a commercial for the Grand Canyon. There was a bratty girl in the commercial with a curious boy. Tom Hanks was also guest appearing and talking about a new Grand Canyon coming to town. Meg was curious of why there would be a new Grand Canyon and Tom Hanks explained where the new Grand Canyon would be that was coming this weekend.

'East of Shelbyville and south of Capitol City.' Tom Hanks said on the TV.

"That's where Springfield is!" Marge exclaimed.

'It's nowhere near where anything is or ever was,' the actor said on the television as if he heard what Marge said. 'This is Tom Hanks, saying: If you're going to pick a government to trust, why not this one?'

"Did you see that?" Bart pointed.

"Yes, they're going to destroy Springfield!" Meg shrieked. "We gotta get out of here!"

"Right, come on, Homie, get your clothes on!" Marge said as she got her coat. 

Meg was on her way, then looked back. "Mr. Simpson, come on, we can't waste any time!"

"I'm happy here!" Homer argued. "Screw Springfield!"

Marge gasped in shock. "I can't believe you'd say something so selfish!"

"Marge, those people chased us with pitchforks and torches!" Homer glared at them. "TORCHES! At 4:00 in the afternoon!"

"It was 7:00 at night." Marge said to him.

"It was during Access Hollywood!"

"Which is on at 4:00 and 7:00..."

"Dad, how can you turn your back on everyone who loved us?" Lisa asked.

"Except for Mr. Flanders." Meg put in.

"Yeah, he helped us when we were in trouble." Bart nodded with her.

"Who cares what he did?" Homer was being more childish than Meg would like. "He's neither of your fathers."

"I wish he was," Meg sneered at him. "Mr. Simpson, when I came here for the summer, I thought I'd be staying with a loving family for a change, but you're just worse than my own father! I thought you knew better than this!"

"Megan, leave this to me," Marge walked over, she gave her husband a gentle smile as she held her hand out, remembering what Homer said to her to get her on his side. "Homer, in every marriage, you get one chance to say: 'I need you to do this with me'." 

Homer looked at her gesture and looked angry and annoyed again. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard."

"Homer Simpson!" Marge called out.

"We're saving Springfield!" Lisa added.

"Listen to me, all of you," Homer looked sharply to his family and guest. "We are staying. We have a great life in Alaska and we're never going back to America again. I have spoken!" he then walked off, grabbing his coat and boots and stormed off in the snow.

"Mrs. Simpson...?" Meg was concerned for her.

"Don't worry about me, Megan..." Marge sighed softly. "I just don't know what to do now... But... We better go home..."

"Yeah, we might as well..." Meg nodded sadly. "But where do we go before we get back to the dome."

"We could try Seattle," Lisa shrugged. "It'll be close enough."

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