chapter 41: Mental Mike Pulaski

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It was a typical day of school, nothing too special, but there was warnings of a new kid in school known as Mental Mike. Bart was a little nervous himself of facing this guy, but he made sure the girls would be safe with him. Patty, Esther, and Ruth didn't see Meg again, it seemed like Meg was more interested in hanging out with Bart, Lisa, and Sarah.

"You guys wanna sleepover this weekend?" Sarah offered. "Bart, you can come too, even though you're a guy."

Bart blushed slightly. "Uhh... Well... Don't make fun of me."

"That sounds good to me, but that'll be hard to do," Lisa chuckled. "You in, Meg?"

"Well, it sounds great—" Meg said, but she had her head turned and she accidentally ran into Mental Mike with his back turned and her spaghetti lunch splashed over both of them, shocking everyone in the cafeteria. "Oh, fudge... Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!"

"What's your name, dude?" Mike growled, seeming to believe Meg was a boy.

"Meg Griffin!" Chris's voice was heard.

"3:00, Friday, I will destroy you." Mike threatened, grabbing Meg's shirt.

"Look, dude, Meg said sorry!" Bart snarled.

Mike looked to Bart. "You want some of this?"

"Yeah, leave Meg alone, she didn't mean to mess you up like that!" Bart stood up, looking angry, which shocked the students even more. "She goes through enough crap without punks like you making it worse for her!"

"Meg's going to die and you're not gonna stop me!" Mike spat in his eye before storming off.

Bart looked to Meg and decided to get the sauce and noodles off. "You okay, Meg?"

"I can't believe you stood up for me like that..." Meg said to him. "If you weren't here, I'm sure I would've gotten in a lot of trouble."

"Hey... As long as I'm here, no one's gonna touch ya," Bart promised. "I got your back."

"Us too, Meg." Lisa said, putting an arm around Sarah.

"I'm actually a little scared..." Sarah said, twiddling her fingers. "But, I got your back too, Meg."

Thanks, guys..." Meg smiled at them.

Everybody hoped the week would get better. It didn't, on the marquee outside of school, there was an event scheduled to watch the fight between Meg and 'Mental Mike'. Bart, Lisa, and Sarah were outright disgusted that Mike wanted to fight Meg, she was a girl and didn't even mean to cause trouble. Guess they called him Mental Mike for a reason.

'Good morning, students,' Shepherd called one slow morning before Friday. 'This is Principal Shepherd with the morning announcements. Remember, that wagers on Friday's Meg Griffin slaughter must be on my desk by Thursday. Also, Zack Morris, if you could stop freezing time to talk to the camera, the day would go by a lot faster.'

"Oh, my God, you guys," Meg looked to Bart, Lisa, and Sarah, really on the edge, she knew they believed in her, but she was still very shaky. "What am I gonna do? That psycho is going to kill me!"

"Meg, I already told you—" Bart spoke up.

"I know, but he might kill you too!" Meg's eyes filled with tears. "I couldn't risk that!"

"Meg, you got a find a way out of this fight." Esther spoke up.

"Yeah, Meg, you can do it, you're a smart woman," Patty added. "And women can do anything nowadays." 

"Yeah, it's not like the 1950's..." Meg shrugged.

"Meg, I swear, no matter what it takes, I will help you," Bart soothed. "You're my girl and I'll be damned if anyone takes you from me."

After school, Meg went to the Simpsons house again.

"I just need to switch schools," Meg said as she sat the table with her real friends. "Marge, could you home-school me?"

"I'm sorry, dear, but I can't do that," Marge coaxed. "Bullies are scary things."

"Maybe this Mike guy's just afraid of somethin'..." Lisa suggested as she got an extra apple slice for Sarah. 

"I don't think so," Meg sighed, shaking her head. "I tried to tell my mom I wanted to go to a different school, but she wouldn't let me!"

"I really wanna see your parents in court..." Marge mumbled under her breath. "Megan, the way I see it, as long as you got your firends, you shouldn't have to worry about a bully..."

"Yeah... You know we all love you here!" Sarah chirped.

Meg sighed. 

The week wasn't going very well. Meg tried to do anything to herself kicked out of school, but she was stuck. She also felt like she would be dead by Friday. Meg really wasn't that well, so Bart finally decided to do something about it. Meg was crying in the bathroom another morning before Friday and Lisa and Sarah were trying to soothe her. They hated to see her like this, but what could they do? Meg wished that Bart was there, but this was the girls' room and he had mysteriously been gone to the gym a lot lately.

"Meg, are you okay?" Ruth asked, Meg's other circle of friends had shown up.

Meg jumped to them, looking miserable as Lisa and Sarah stayed by her sides. "You guys, I've tried everything, but it's hopeless! He's going to kill me... I can already picture my funeral! This is such a nightmare! At least I have all you guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Lisa and Sarah smiled fondly to Meg.

"Yeah... About that..." Esther spoke up. "Listen Meg, we decided maybe it's best if you don't talk to us anymore."

"Yeah, we could be targeted by association," Patty added. "I don't wanna get beaten up by a guy unless it's in a limo after prom."

"So, you're all going to ditch me when I need you the most?" Meg asked, with tears still in her eyes. 

Sarah and Lisa looked very shocked at their excuses. What kind of friends were those three? 

"Yeah Meg, it's natural selection," Ruth said casually like it was an obvious agreement. "This is how it works in the wild. Good luck, Meg... Now, we must retreat in the shadows..." she said before backing up with Patty and Esther.

Meg sobbed. "I can't believe this! What am I going to do?"

Lisa scoffed. "Those friends of yours, Meg."

Meg noticed the two blonde girls were still with her. "You mean, you guys are staying with me...?"

"Why wouldn't we?" Sarah asked her in return. "We're really your friends, we don't care about natural selection."

"If one of us is going down, then we're all going down." Lisa pumped her fist in the air.


Meg sniffled, she smiled a little, but she still felt like she wouldn't be able to face a guy Mike Pulaski. She really wished Bart could help her, but she didn't know where he was. 

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