Charlie X Pim: Pim dies and doesnt come back

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Requested by Stella810965
Do not read if these kinds of topics are too much for you! And if you yourself are feeling suicidal please get help, you are worth a lot in this world and We will get through this!
Dm me if anyone needs to talk ive been there.
Thank you

enjoy lovelies.

Pim is suicidal. And has been for months something had triggered everything to come tumbling down
And he's had enough
It was the fight he had with his best friend.
His only friend.
Even if he would consider anyone that he's met a friend, Charlie is the one who felt the same way.

What was the point of it all anymore?
Was there really just no one out there meant to be for him?
No there isn't
Not anymore.

God he felt pathetic.
Believing that He had someone who would see him though and through.

It could of started when Pim didn't answer his phone calls
Weird, Pim never misses a call, even if it's a scam call.
He always answers texts, even if he was in the shower (don't ask why he knows that he just knows) or even in the car, Pim would always send a courtesy text.
But he thought it was really the night before.

Charlie felt bad for what he said earlier, for what he said to Pim.
But you couldn't blame the guy.
Sometimes Pim is a bit overbearing.
And what he really needed was time to himself.
He didn't mean to sound so rude either.
But maybe it came off like that?

"Pim answer damn your phone" Charlie irked.

Charlie thought back to the situation that had unfolded last night.
It was late, and another unsuccessful mission.
Lately Pim hasn't been himself, he was his most chipper self as always, but something seemed off.
More clingy. And with each client, he seemed to rush the whole job and haven't even put effort to help as he usually does.
Charlie was getting annoyed with all of the unsuccessful missions. So annoyed that he was becoming more irritated when Pim tried to make small talk or even try to talk to his partner.
"Well we'll get 'em next time won we, Charlie?"
Pim tried to reassure him.
But Charlie tried to keep himself from responding to the pep talk that was literally not even a good thing to say as it wasn't just the guys fault they failed another client.

Pim noticed this,
"Something wrong Charlie? You've seemed irritated since we've left the house, are you okay?"

Charlie wasn't wanting to start a fight in the middle of the side walk,but he also didn't want to out right ignore the little guy
"I don't know man. I don't think we'll have a next time with those other guys."

"What do you mean?I thought we really did our best."
Charlie wanted to face palm at the oblivious comment.
"I mean the clients we've failed to make smile, Pim. This is the 5th time this month we've failed these clients, Mr. Boss is really gonna be on our asses if we keep fucking up. If YOU keep fucking up Pim."


"It's not even just that. You've been so clingy lately what's up with you? If you have something to say say it. Im not having this right now Pim. Im tired. Im about to probably be fired from my job. And maybe even be evicted if more shit hits the fan."
Charlie exhausted his breath and swallowed a lump in his throat. He had realized he had just threw his weight at someone who didn't deserve it.
And Pim stood there and took it all.
A deafening Silence surrounded them in the cold sidewalk.

"Whatever. I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow or something."
Charlie stuffed his hands in his hoodie pockets and walked off. Leaving a stunned Pim.

What have I done?

That next morning, well afternoon
Since it was their usual off day, Charlie usually woke up late.

He checked his phone to see no new messages from Pim.
Usually he would of sent a good morning text or even it would show an active icon on his profile.

He texted first and asked if he was alright.
He thought about what he said and thought he came off as a little harsh. And probably shouldn't have yelled at him.
But after a few minutes Pim didn't answer.


He felt like shit.
He had to go and apologize.
Pim was obviously not himself and Charlie probably made things worse by yelling at him when he was trying his best.


Charlie went to Pims apartment.
Knocked a few times and called his phone.
There was no answer.

His heart felt quickened and he started to internally panic as the seconds went by without a sign of Pims presence.
Where would he be?
He's probably out.
He's gotta be out.
Obviously not home. He'll start looking for him.

But something was telling him he was still in there.

The door was locked, and obviously he wouldn't have a key, so he'll have to do something rash to get in.
He felt a rush of adrenaline and took a running start and used his whole weight to kick down the door.
"Sorry Pim, I'll pay for the door later"

He fell to the ground as the door gave away at it's locked hinge, not even giving himself time to even dust himself off, Charlie farted around the apartment and looked all around the place to find his friend
His only friend.

Then he stopped.
To his bed room.
He felt a rush of cold run up his back.
The hairs on the back of his head stood as their roots.
"Please be okay, Pim."

He twisted the door handle.
And when he looked in, that's when he felt part of him die.

The sight.
It made him drop to his knees.
Pim was hanging. Dried Blood was fallen on his wrists to his fingers.
He looked pale.
The rope was tight around his neck connected to his ceiling fan.

Charlie put his hands to his face and cried out.
"Pim! No! Why Pim?! Why??? Why didn't you tell me?!"
But there was no answer to his cries.
There never was.

Not ever again.
He apologized over and over to the husk that was his friend.
Wishing that some how it would speak to him.
Come back.
Or maybe he would wake up and call him to help him to get out of this mistake he did and wanted to abort his decision.
But no such thing happened.

Charlie had regained enough strength to cut his friend down.
He held his friend in his arms.
Cried and cried to the cold body that once help dry his tears.
"God why was I so stupid. I'm so sorry Pim. I am such an asshole. I'm sorry Pim I'm sorry"

He wished Pim could hear him again.
Tell him everything was going to be okay.

But he had no one.
He placed his head on Pims forehead, and let his tears fall onto his face.
Compressing his sleeves to Pims wounds on his wrists.
There was so much he wanted to hope, but really it was time let go of hope he was going to go back.
He might have been dead for a good hour.
Or more.

And he didn't even say a goodbye.
Charlie didn't blame him. He wouldn't have to a friend or what he thought was his friend, when he had been such a jerk to.
He must have been hurting so much that he was the reason he had ended it all.

He called into work for the next day. And the next to process this all.
He will never forgive himself
Pim would have already if he knew how he was really sorry.
He knows he's sorry.
And he forgives him.

Charlie. Never was the same again.

Thank you all for reading.
Please keep in mind that these kind of topics are a frequent on my page, because I am a suicide attempt survivor I use these kind of things to cope too.
Please if you are feeling suicidal or in need of help please do not hesitate to get help. My dms are always open.
You are loved.
And thank you Stella810965 for your request I hope you liked it. Thank you!

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