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"what?"Snape asked.

"When Harry and Severia were born,James immediately announced Sirius as Harry's godfather and asked Lily to choose a godfather for Severia and well she choosed you as you were her only best friend"Remus said.

"Me?Lily choosed me as her godfather"Severus repeated not able to digest it.

"Well not only did she choosed you as her godfather but she also named her after you Severus"Remus said.

Then realisation dawned upon Severus that both of their names began with the same letters. S-E-V-E-R-U-S and S-E-V-E-R-I-A.

He didn't knew he should be happy over the fact that his best friend honoured him with such a thing or sad that he never got a chance to mend thing between them.But he became determinant now that no matter what he would keep the child safe even if it costed his life.

Then what happened nobody would have ever imagined.The Severus Snape smiled and a real one for that.

"Albus i would like that the child stays with me during vacations now when i know it was my responsibility to look after her which I couldn't do before but now I would do it"Severus said.

"Severus you don't understand"Albus said.

"I do....I do understand my responsibility that I have towards the child and I am not backing away from it no matter what you say and trust me when I say this i won't let any harm come her way"Severus said with a determination and finality in his voice.

"I know Severus but let her identity be a secret for a little longer"said Albus.

Severus unwillingly agreed.

The rest of the day Severus felt happy that lily had indeed forgiven him because that's why she had chosen him as the godfather of her child.

He had failed lily once he won't do that again.

Severia was in the library when the golden trio came and sat beside her.She smiled at Hermione and Ron and then gave an apologetic smile to Harry who immediately smiled and brushed their argument away.

"I think we should leave for potions now"said Hermione.

"Yeah or the greasy git will be angry"said Ron and Harry laughed while Hermione and Severia gave them a disappointed look.

"Oh come on it's a joke"Harry said.

"Harry he is our professor"Hermione said.

"And he is just strict not stone hearted or evil"words emerged from Severia's wand as she glared at them.

"God you do look intimidating when you glare like that"Harry said.

They reached the dungeons and entered the potions class and saw that Snape was already in the class.

"Finally you got time to attend potions class from your busy schedule"Snape sneered.

"We were in the library professor"Hermione said.

"Perhaps you should stay in the library for the rest of the class"Severus said.

"We are just 1 min late"Harry retorted.

"10 points from Griffindor for back answering"Snape said and glared at Harry.

Harry was about to say something but Severia gripped his wrist in denial.

"We are sorry professor....we just sat reading in the library and lost track of time....we won't repeat it again"Golden words emerged from Severia's wand and she gave an apologetic look.

"Perhaps you should learn how to apologise from your fellow griffindor"Snape said looking at Harry.

They entered the class and took their seats.

"Today you have to give a test"Snape said and the whole class groaned as they knew they couldn't perform well and with Snape invigilating they couldn't cheat as well.

"Severia you have to help me pass this test or else Snape will get another chance to target me"Harry whispered.

Severia nodded at him and casted a spell on Harry's and her own parchment because of which as she wrote answers they immediately were visible on Harry's parchment as well.Harry gave her a surprised look but soon started pretending to write on the parchment which automatically had words as Severia wrote in her own parchment.

After that Severus collected the parchment and dismissed the class.

"Thank you so much"Harry said to Severia during lunch and Severia just smiled at him.

"What's the thank you for?"Ron asked with his mouth full of mashed potatoes.

Harry explained to him and Hermione as how Severia helped him cheat in the test and Ron was happy as well as sad that he didn't got to cheat while Hermione was furious.

"You can't do that Severia or else harry will be dependent on you and won't study at all"Hermione said.

"It's just this once I am sure Harry will study harder the next time... isn't it Harry"Words emerged in front of Hermione as Severia looked at Harry who immediately agreed that he would study harder the next time.

Hermione sighed as she knew she can't change Severia's mind or her actions she always did what she felt was nice to do.

"Severiaaaaaaa we are heading down towards the quidditch pitch for the trials would you like to come with us?"Ron asked her in a singsong voice to which Severia gave a voiceless laugh.

She nodded and followed the trio towards the quidditch pitch and sat down on the wooden benches beside Hermione who was reading a book.

"You don't play?"Severia looked at Hermione as words emerged out of her wand.

"I hate flying"Hermione said and Severia again gave a voiceless laugh.

"You look so pretty when you laugh if only you could talk all the boys would just swoon around you more you know? have got the looks to attract any boy out their"Hermione said Severia just shook her head.

"You hate flying as well?"Hermione asked.

"I have never flew a broom in my life Beauxbatons we didn't had quidditch and flying lessons started from 3rd year and I had transferred to Hogwarts by then and here this year's don't have flying lessons anymore"Words floated in fron of Hermione and she just nodded her head at that.

"Maybe you can try now?"Hermione said.

"Can I?"Severia gave her an excited look as words flew in the air.

"Yes you can...I will ask Harry he can lend you his broom"Hermione said and Severia nodded.

Severia mounted Harry's broom as Harry kept on instructing her how to fly.

With a kick of her left foot she flew in the air and felt like she was in heaven.She loved flying now.She kept moving around in the sky and feeling the cold wind against her skin.

She came down and thanked harry heartily for lending his broom.

"You fly so should tryout for Quidditch team"Oliver wood the captain of Griffindor quidditch team.

"No i don't want to play....though I like the idea of flying on a broom....i don't want myself to be associated to a violent game such as quidditch"Words floated in front of wood who shook his head and left with the team for practice and Severia left for the great hall to have dinner with Hermione.

Severia Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now