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It was time for the summer vacations now and Severia was going back to the orphanage where she had grew up for the past 13 years of her life.

Severus was confident about taking in Severia but at the last moment Dumbeldore denied it and Severus had to back down.He hadn't told Severia about him being her godfather.He didn't knew how she would react to this and he himself was not sure how to revel it to her.

The exams were a headache for both Hermione and Severia.Hermione wanted to maintain her first position this year as well but Severia was tough competition,while Severia was just being her own freaky self when it comes to exams.

After the exams were over they were told that the results would arrive during summer via owls to their respective homes.

Severia was bored to death during the summer as always except for the time she spent with Peter during the summer but they could not spend much time together because of some emergency business Peter had to attend to every now and then.

She had no contact with her friends from Hogwarts as she didn't wanted the children and staff at her Orphanage question the communication via owls which was very strange in the muggle world.

She spent most of her day reading her next year books and a few more books she had issued from the Hogwarts library with Madam Pince's permission assuring her she would take care of them with her life.

She had grown very pale and thin over the summer which she was aware of.Maybe because she didn't went out much that's why her skin turned pale,as for her unintentional weight loss,she had not been having her meals thanx to a reason she doesn't wants to share with anybody.

She didn't even needed new robes this year as her height didn't increased an inch and as for her weight it decreased a lot from before so she had to alter her Robes so that it could fit her now thin body.

After a very horrible summer she made her way to the King's Cross station as the only stuff she needed was her next term's books which she borrowed from a Fifth year Griffindor girl who was kind enough to lend Severia her old fourth year books she didn't needed.

Severia didn't had much money with her so she thought she might spend it on her potions ingredients,quills and a few other stationary she might require rather than purchasing new books.So she made this arrangement with the fifth year.Though she wished she could have a pet but then she brushed that thought aside when she remembered the black dog she left under Hagrid's care for the summer as animals were not allowed at her Orphanage.

"God you have become so thin?It is as if you can fly with a blow of wind"Ron said stuffing his mouth with chicken.

Severia glared at him which he shrugged of.

"You have really lost a lot of weight the orphanage not treating you well?"Hermione asked with concern lacing her voice.

Severia shook her head.

"No it was totally unintentional...and the Orphanage treats me really well... don't worry now that I am back i will grow into a fat balloon with such tasty meals everytime at Hogwarts"Severia smiled as the words emerged from her wand and Hermione nodded.

Everyone who cared for Severia was worried to see the girl back at school looking so pale and thin.

Severus wanted to immediately ask her what was wrong but he restricted himself from doing so as he was still not ready to disclose the truth about him being her godfather to her yet.

The first few weeks were normal with the studies just beginning and students learning new things this year.

Severia was confident she would do good in her classes as she had already read her books a couple of times during summer.

Severia Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now