Winter Ball

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As Christmas was approaching the school had organised a winter Ball for the students of third year and above.They were asked to dress formally,girls in dresses and boys in robes or suits.

Every student was just busy finding a date as they didn't wanted to go alone and become a victim of all the jokes and laughter.

Severia was heading towards Transfiguration with Lavender and Luna when they were stopped by Cormac Macgallen as he asked Lavender out for the ball to which she agreed.

Severia and Luna then continued their walk towards Transfiguration.

They reached and took a seat beside Hermione and behind them sat Harry,Ron and Neville.

Professor Macgonall taught them all to transfigure paper into clothes.

Severia was the first one to do it as she did it in her first attempt and she transfigured pretty clothes which awarded her 25 points.

Since the time Severia had come Hermione has gone down to second best in the class though she is still the know-it-all.

After Transfiguration they headed to herbology and then they headed in the great hall for lunch.

"So did you had any luck in finding a date?"Harry asked Ron who shook his head in denial.

"If this continues mate we will have to go alone"Ron said and Harry nodded.

"Then just ask someone"Hermione stated.

"It's not that easy trying to ask a girl out who would most probably say a no"Ron said.

"Then ask a girl who would most probably say yes"Severia looked at them as words emerged from her wand.

"Have you got someone?"Harry asked.

Severia nodded her head at that.

"Who?"Hermione,Harry and Ron asked together.

"You will know soon"Words emerged out of her wand as she continued to eat.

"I was would go to the ball with me"Asked a nervous Neville to Severia as they were sitting in the common room.

"I am so sorry Neville but i already have a partner"Severia gave him an apologetic look as words emerged from her wand.

"It's ok"Neville said with a smile and left.

Severia sighed.This has been happening with her the whole day, everytime she would be alone, someone would come and ask her out and then she had to politely refuse and she felt bad for it.

Harry and Ron still have no luck in finding their dates while Hermione is going out with Dean Thomas as he asked her out and she agreed.

"Severia we will have to go dress shopping on Sunday"Hermione said and Severia nodded.

She had a few galleons that would work out well.She didn't had any money as she was an orphan.The only money she got was given to her by her caretaker back at the orphanage which she had saved and got converted into wizarding money.The money for her school supplies was given out by Madam Maxime as she knew Severia was orphan and didn't had anyone to spend money on her.

Severia didn't really spend much on her herself as she was pretty content with what she had.

It was lunch time and Severia was having her lunch when an owl flew towards her dropping a parcel.

She gave a confused look as she thought who might have sent her a parcel.

She picked it up thought and thought to open it later when she is alone and kept it in her bag.

Severia Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now