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After Severia had the conversation with Snape she went to have lunch in which she just had some soup as it hurt when she moved her jaw to chew.

The rest of the day went quickly with the Griffindor's praising Severia for her act and Neville thanking her and also apologizing to her as because of him she got hurt which she just brushed off.

After doing her homework with her left hand as her right hand was hurt she left to face her self assigned detention with Snape.

As she reached the class she saw Neville had just entered the class so she ran reaching beside him and then both of them stood infront of Snape.

"Mr.Longbottom you have to scrub those cauldrons over there without magic and then write lines for me"Snape said to Neville but he completely ignored Severia.

Severia stood for a few mins before going and helping Neville in scrubbing the cauldron with her left hand as much as she could do.

Neville asked to let go and let him do it or else she will get into trouble with Snape,but she won't budge.

"Miss Adams out of my class right now"Snape said menacingly but she didn't flinched or feared him.She ignored him the way he did and continued scrubbing the cauldrons.

Snape had have enough of this girl's attitude now so he just went and grabbed her arm harshly where she was hurt and dragged her out of the class.Severia flinched because of the pain but no voice came out of her throat not even a small grunt as she was voiceless,she never made any sounds as she was not able to.

Snape jerked her out of the class and left her arm.

"You will not disobey me"he said and shut the door on her face.

He went to sit on his chair and then he noticed his palm was wet with blood.He knew it wasn't his so he realised it was Severia's as she was hurt.He instantly regretted his deed.

Before he could follow her to check her injuries she had left.

Severia went to Madam Pompfrey and got her wounds re-bandaged.When asked what happened to her arm and why was it bleeding she told her it was because she tried to change her bandage herself so the wound started bleeding again and then Madam Pompfrey gave her a lecture on being careful.

She went to her common room avoiding dinner as she was very angry with Snape.She just sat in one of the single couch and started reading a muggle novel.As she grew up in muggle world she likes things from the muggle world like the novels,clothes and all.

After about an hour the students began piling in the common room after dinner and some sat doing their work or chatting while others went to bed early.

Severia sat reading her novel as she wasn't sleepy at all.

"Severia you shouldn't challenge Snape and disobey him....he is dangerous"Neville said sitting on the other couch.

"What did she do?"Asked Harry who was sitting doing his Potions homework beside Ron and Hermione sat beside them doing hers.

Neville narrated them the whole incident and they gasped at her audacity.

"Snape is a git....old dungeon bat..he is very cold hearted"Ron said.

Harry and Neville agreed.

"That is so rude of you "Words floated in the air and Severia gave him a displeased look.

"Don't tell me you think he is nice?"Ron asked.

"He may be strict and a bit unfair at times but that doesn't makes him a bad man....he doesn't shows emotions that doesn't means he is cold hearted"Words floated and Severia gave him a look.

Severia Lily PotterWhere stories live. Discover now