2-Enough For Me

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"Hazel? Hey, Hazel! Wake up sweetheart."

I blinked my eyes open to see Ron and Adam in front of me. Adam was stepped back, on the phone with I'm assuming Willow or Dustin. Ron's brows were furrowed, as per his usual grumpy self, and he looked like he had been in a tizzy.

"What time is it?" I groaned as I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I didn't feel the soft covers of my bed, but dirt and grass.

"It's 4 am. What were you thinking, running off without telling anyone?" Ron's in big brother mode, which means I'm screwed.

"I was using my phone's flash light to read and I fell asleep. Must have died. I'm sorry. I meant to text Willow." I looked at the ground, unable to meet his gaze.

"Why did you run off in the first place? Willow is so hurt."

My frown deepened. I hadn't ever meant to hurt my best friend.

"I just needed some alone time."

"And your room wasn't accessible?"

"Not in a house with a raging fucking party!" I argued, tired of feeling like I had to walk on eggshells around Ron.

"You could have gone to my place." Ron stated, bringing his hand up to my chin and forcing me to look at those cerulean eyes full of concern.

"I assumed you and your girlfriend would need it." I hadn't meant to spit the words like venom, but I had. I couldn't even take them back, because Ron had already processed what I had said.

"You met Andrea? No, Haze, you weren't supposed to meet her like that." Ron frowned, scratching the back of his neck.

"No, I didn't meet her. I saw her and Willow and then saw you both blow kisses to each other. She's beautiful." I forced myself to look away from his eyes, too afraid of the things I'd find in his depthless gaze.

"Come on, let's get going." Adam said, helping me to my feet. I made sure I had my stuff, then promptly made grabby hands at Adam. Before Ron could pick me up, Adam bent down and let me climb onto his back. I did so gratefully, resting my head on his shoulder and trying to fall back into my dark escape.

"I can carry her." Ron's voice was almost as venomous as mine had been a moment ago. Was I sensing some jealousy?

"I've got her." Adam hummed, his thumb rubbing my leg lightly. I could hear Ron huff in annoyance, which brought a smile to my face. Even if he did have a girlfriend, Willow and I would always be his girls, no matter what.

I just hoped that was enough for me.


"Hi, Hazel. I'm Andrea. Ron and Willow have told me so much about you."

I forced a smile and shook her hand. I couldn't let her or anyone else know that I was upset with her involvement with Ron. I would ruin my friendship with Willow and I would break the only family I have ever really known.

My parents were great parents. They loved me and always took care of me. I never went without.

Until they died. A car accident killed my dad on impact, but mom was broken and alive. She stayed that way until her body finally shut down a week later. I was 17, and had been with Willow and her family ever since. I was thankful that Willow's family had always accepted me, since I was a baby that needed supervision while my parents worked.

"All good things, I hope." I chuckled nervously.

Andrea nodded with a smile. "Ron tells me that you graduated high school with a 3.8 GPA. He also tells me you graduated community college with a piece of literature in your college's magazine."

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