4-How Things Have Changed

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I hated flying alone, but I hated more that I had to rely on someone to pick me up from the airport. I had ordered an Uber to the airport on my way to Miami, but I was told that someone would pick me up when I returned home a week later.

I looked around the airport terminal, luggage in hand. Willow hadn't said who was picking me up, just that she "had it under control."

Just as I was about to pick up my phone and call someone, I saw Ron standing several feet away, looking around for me. Of fucking course Ron would be the one to pick me up.

I made my way towards him with my luggage, finding that my rolling bag was just not doing its job. I groaned in frustration, giving it a huge yank. The bag moved, slamming into me and causing me to fall into someone else.

Strong arms encircled my waist, one terribly sexy hand grabbing the bag. A deep chuckle sounded behind my head, making me shiver.

"I thought you only spent time with the graceful Siobhan, not the clumsy as fuck Brock." Ron chuckled, giving me a small squeeze while he had me in his arms.

"Go fuck yourself." I grumbled.

"Hey, now, sunshine. I'm the grumpy one in this relationship." Ron hummed, tickling my sides. I laughed and pushed on his hands.

"I'll find my own grumpy vs sunshine trope thank you." I hummed, gesturing to the thick white book in my handbag. "Hudson Vega is perfect for me, thank you very much."

"Hudson Vega is a fictional character." Ron reminded me, flicking my forehead gently. I shook my head and let him take my rolling bag from me.

"Pinterest thinks Dustin Fucking Bates is a fictional character too." I hummed, remembering seeing a section of "fictional characters" pop up on the side with Dustin's face.

"Well, you're not dating Dustin either."

"Why would I? I mean, the man is hot. So is everyone else in the band." I shrugged. "Willow claimed Dustin the moment you let us meet him."

"And you claimed me?" Ron asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Oh, god, no. I claimed Jonathon."

"He's not even in the band anymore! I'm literally the man of your dreams." Ron huffed in annoyance.

"No, Hudson Vega is the man of my dreams. You are just someone I'm forced to know." I teased. Our banter was so normal, I almost forgot the reason I had went on a trip in the first place.

"Get in the car, brat." Ron grumbled as he opened the door for me. I got in and turned the radio on, jamming along to Lewis Capaldi's "Bruises."

Ron put my bag in the back and then got into the driver's seat. He hummed along softly to the chorus, putting his arm on the back of my seat as he backed out of the airport parking lot.

"You and Siobhan looked like you were having fun." Ron stated after a moment of silence. "You looked beautiful in the photos you posted."

"Obviously, I only post the ones I look good in." I replied, checking my phone.

"You look good in every single one." Ron stated, briefly glancing my way.

"Thanks, Ron." I said, trying not to let his compliments get the best of me. I was like a little sister to him. He would always see me that way.

Another beat of silence passed before I decided to break it this time, "How's Andrea?"

"She's good. Her and her girls are on a little vacation of their own."

"You didn't go with them?" I quirked a brow.

Ron sighed softly, reaching over to turn the radio volume down. "I couldn't leave knowing you were coming home. We have some unresolved shit to talk about. I wouldn't have been fun on vacation if I was only worried about you."

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