3-No Way, Shape, or Form

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I had ignored Ron's calls for a week. Willow and I had managed to talk a tiny bit about the fight we had, but only enough to understand that both of us were lost in the same sea, trying to swim to a shore we could never reach.

I spent every chance I could away from my house. Ron was known for popping by whenever he felt like it, as was Dustin, which meant that finding peace while I dealt with my problem was impossible.

I sat at the local cafe, writing poem after poem to try and get out my feelings in a healthy way. Poetry had always been my outlet, yet none of the poems I was coming up with really captured what was wrong.

"Hey, look!" I heard someone say. I glanced up to see two adorable young girls, a gorgeous woman, and an even more gorgeous man beside her. By now, Ron had seen me, too, so it wasn't like I could hide.

"You've been avoiding me." Ron stated as he sat down across from me. Andrea and her two girls ordered their coffee and sweets, giving us a small bit of alone time.

"I've been busy. There's a difference." I hummed, writing whatever came to mind so I could appear like I was still busy.

"Haze.. Please talk to me." Ron reached out and grabbed my hand, but I flinched back. He frowned, looking like he had just been punched in the nuts.

"I'm sorry, Ron, but I'm really busy." I repeated, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Too busy for me?" His voice was soft and broken, full of pain. I had never been this cold to him, not even when I lost my parents and wanted to be cold to everyone.

"You're busy, too. Day out with your new family?" Every word sounded sharp like a razor's edge and cut just as deep.

"Is that what's wrong? You're jealous?"

"I'm not jealous. I could give two fucks less." I stated.

"Then fucking look at me, Hazel." When I didn't look up, Ron smacked his hand on the table, causing me to jump.

"Please, Hazel, talk to me. Let's work this out." Ron pleaded, tears falling from his eyes now. Great. Now I had hurt him.

"We can't work anything out. I have to work through this on my own. Your girls are waiting." I gestured to the three females that looked worriedly in our direction.

"You're one of my girls, too." Ron stated in a soft tone.

I clenched my jaw, slamming my laptop shut. "Maybe that's the fucking problem, Ron. I'm practically your sister. You will never see me as anything else, while all I can see when I look at you is-" I cut myself off and shoved my laptop into its bag.

"All you can see when you look at me is what, Hazel?" Ron asked, standing up to block me from leaving.

"I see the man I can never fucking have. Are we done?" I spat, standing my ground. Ron said nothing as he stepped to the side, allowing me to walk past him. I hurried out of the cafe, not bothering to say anything to Andrea.

I dialed Siobhan's number, desperate for someone I could trust. Thankfully, she answered almost right away.

"Hey doll! What's up?" Siobhan asked. Her sweet voice calmed me a bit.

"Ron's got a girlfriend with kids and I just told him how I felt about him and I don't know I'm losing my mind." I sobbed into the phone as I walked along the sidewalk.

"Well it's a good thing Ron called me earlier and asked me to book you a flight to Miami, now isn't it? I emailed you the ticket. Pack your bags, your flight leaves at 7 tonight."

Even despite everything, Ron still took care of me and looked out for me. In no way, shape, or form did I deserve him in my life.

At least I just ruined our whole relationship. Now I don't have to feel guilty about not being good enough for him.


I landed in Miami by 10:00. Siobhan picked me up from the airport and took me to where she was staying currently. It was nice that she could still be her own person without Brock. Willow and Ron had always been the best parts of me.

"So, do you want to talk about it or do you want to go to bed?" Siobhan asked me as he settled ourselves on her outdoor patio in the warm breeze.

"Neither." I shook my head. "I want to have fun."

Siobhan smirked. "You want to get all dressed up and go to a club?"

"Ron would-" I stopped myself, realizing it didn't fucking matter what Ron would or wouldn't do. I wasn't his girlfriend and I wasn't his sister. He couldn't control me like I had let him do for so many years. "Never mind what he would say, I don't answer to him. Let's do it."

The blonde woman grinned almost evilly as she said, "Go ahead and go pick out something from my closet to wear. I'll find us a nice place to go."


I posted a photo of Siobhan and I together, knowing we both looked fantastic

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I posted a photo of Siobhan and I together, knowing we both looked fantastic. I wasn't surprised with the attention the photo got; being as close to the band as I was, people knew me. I wasn't as well known or loved as Siobhan, Z, Ron, or anyone else, but I was still apart of the Starset family nonetheless.

Immediately, a text pops through to my phone from Willow. "Absolutely GORGEOUS girls. Miss you both!"

I smiled and replied back that we missed her, too. I noticed the "..." that signaled she was typing something.

"Ron's a mess, Haze. He's drank so much he's blacked out. He's hardly eaten. What did you do to him?"

I frowned, leaving her on read as I found Ron's contact. I debated calling him, instead deciding to just text him.

"I'm having fun with S in Miami, thanks for that. I'm sorry for how I acted at the cafe. I need time to deal with my shit. Please do not fall into any bad habits, especially while I'm gone. I love you Ron."

I deleted that last line and sent the text. I moved back to my messages with Willow and typed, "Please keep an eye on him for me. All I had done was lash out when he pressed me for what was wrong. I also told him kind of how I felt about him and Andrea."

"Phone away doll! It's time to dance!"

I grinned and put my phone in my pocket, taking Siobhan's outstretched hand. I let her pull me up and to the dance floor of the club, where we danced the night away.

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