6-Worth The Fight

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When I received a knock on my door in the middle of the day, I hadn't expected much. Instead, Andrea stood in all of her beautiful glory, looking lost.

"Andrea? What are you doing here?" I furrowed my eyebrows. Ron and Willow were on tour still. They wouldn't be back in Ohio for at least another five days.

"Can I come in?" She asked, not meeting my eyes. I nodded and stepped aside, letting her in. My stomach tied itself up in knots as my brain tried to figure out why she was here.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. "Can I get you anything? Water? Coffee?"

"Water, please." She said, clearing her throat. I nodded and hurried to the kitchen to get her a bottle. I grabbed a can of Coke for myself and walked back to the living room.

After Andrea took a decent gulp of water, she put her hands together and said, "I want to talk to you about Ron."

I gulped. This was the part where she respectfully or disrespectfully asked me to stay away from Ron. This was the part where I had to choose if Ron was worth the fight.

Of course he is. He always will be.

"What about him?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"At the cafe a few weeks back.. He was upset. And so were you. You guys got in a fight, and he went to a bar and refused to come home with me. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong. And then.. Then it seems like any time he's drunk and it's not a social gathering, it has something to do with you."

Was she accusing me or was she finally putting the puzzle pieces together?

"I'm not saying that you're the problem!" She clarified, holding her hands up in defense. "I'm just saying that I think you two have something going on that he won't open up to me about. That's between you two.. But I need to know if he's okay or not." Andrea looked so hurt, concern and love for Ron pouring from her pores.

I looked at the table, trying to come up with something to say. "Ron and I have been getting into some arguments lately. We're not seeing eye to eye like normal and.. It's nothing. He's a big boy, he'll get over it."

"And what about you? Are you okay?" She reached out and put her hands over mine. They were warm and inviting, like a mother.

"I'll get over it, too." I pulled my hands from hers, feeling uncomfortable. Andrea must have sensed this, as she moved her own hands in her lap.

"It's.. Not really my business, but in a way it kind of is, but.. were you two together at all? I mean, was it maybe a sexual thing..? I'm okay if it is, but I'd like to know if I'm fighting a losing battle."

I laughed at her outrageous claim, than shook my head. "No, nothing like that. Ron's.. like a big brother to me. An annoying one. And if there is one thing you take from this conversation, know that Ron DeChant is always worth the fight, even if you lose."

Andrea nodded, seeming to get my point. "Thank you for talking with me, and being honest with me. Please don't tell Ron I came here. I want to tell him on my own."

"Right. Uh, yeah, of course." I stood with her, sensing an exit. Thank God. I was about ready to burst like a balloon or Encanto's Luisa when she was singing Surface Pressure.

I walked her to the door, not knowing what to say next. If I was honest, I just wanted her gone.

Andrea stepped out of the door, but stopped and turned back to me. "Do you want to come over sometime and meet my girls properly? Ron and Willow talk about you so much, they really want to get to know you."

The hits just kept coming. "Sure, I'd love to. Just send me the details later." I forced a convincing smile, watching her walk to her car. I closed the door, feeling a panic attack fill my lungs. I lunged for my phone, dialing the first name that came up.

"Hey Hazel. You good?" Adam asked.

"Uhm... Listen, I don't want to involve.. You into my drama but I... I need someone and you're the first contact in my phone so I-" Tears clouded my vision.

"I'm right here. It's okay. Tell Uncle Adam what's wrong."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his goofiness. "Andrea showed up asking about Ron and then invited me to have dinner with her and her daughters."

"Shit. What did you say?"

"I said I'd love to even though I would rather stab myself in the leg with a very sharp and cruel blade over and over."

"You have to go though. I mean.. I know it sucks, but it's gotta happen sooner or later, right? Might as well get it over with. And maybe it will actually help you." Adam advised.

"How is jumping into the lion's den gonna help me?" I argued.

"You have to move on, right? So go and see how they live. Go and see how good Ron and Andrea are together."

That was actually some good advice, but it wasn't what I wanted to hear. Maybe I needed to hear it, but the demons in my chest needed something different.

"Thanks, Adam." I said before hanging up. I debated calling Willow or Siobhan, but ultimately decided that the only thing I really needed was a good cry and an even better nap.


I smiled at the photo of the brother and sister duo I loved so much

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I smiled at the photo of the brother and sister duo I loved so much. Honestly, if Willow was into girls, I'm almost positive her and I would have ended up together at some point.

My best friend was flawless. She looked elegant in everything she did. Willow was born to be a queen, and I her handmaiden.

I read Ron's caption. Two tourists out and about. We're missing our third Musketeer. Love you sis ❤️

I wanted to respond, saying I missed them, too, but then I noticed a comment from Andrea.

I miss you both, too!

Was she the third Musketeer in their group, or was I? I had no way of knowing unless I asked, but I was almost too afraid of the answer.

I commented a simple heart emoji under the photo and exited social media. I turned on my Spotify, humming along to the music that played. "Replaced" by American Authors was the first thing to play. I debated skipping it, but then I thought that I needed to hear this one.

I sang along to the song, reveling in the heavily saddening lyrics. I felt each one in my soul, knowing now that this was the perfect song to describe how I felt about Ron and Andrea.

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