8-Because I Contracted Feelings

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In the end, I hadn't gone to the Cleveland demonstration that Willow had wanted me to go to. I apologized with some flowers that I had delivered to the venue for her, claiming that I was sick.

In reality, I couldn't face Ron.

Every call and text from him was ignored. I'm sure Andrea told him about our dinner disaster. Granted, was it really my fault that dinner was such a hot mess? I wasn't the one that excused the girls and started interrogating the dinner guest.

I went to a local bar in Columbus, getting one drink by my lonesome and than heading back home. I wasn't much of a drinker, but I needed something to take the edge off. Weed wasn't recreationally allowed and my medical card was sitting in Adam's wallet, as he was the one to help me get it. The day I got it, I had no pockets and no purse, with very little room in my phone's wallet case for the card. Adam pocketed it with the intent of giving it back to me once we were elsewhere, but then we both forgot about it completely.

As I ordered and sipped my drink, I felt someone take the seat next to me. I looked over to see a handsome guy about my age.

"Hi! Sorry, my name is Remy." The guy acted totally nervous. "I noticed you sitting alone and I figured you could use company closer to your age. Didn't want any old creeps trying to hurt you."

I smiled, finding his nervousness to be quite cute. "Hi, Remy. I'm Hazel. I appreciate that. Last thing I want is for some creep to harass me."

Remy smiled, ordering a drink similar to mine. "So what brings you here alone?"

"I've been fucking up a very important relationship in my life because I contracted feelings." I talked about feelings like a disease because they were.

"I'm guessing they don't feel the same?" Remy sipped his drink before pushing some of his curly brown hair from in front of his gorgeous blue eyes.

"No. He's older and my best friend's brother, so..." I trailed off. "I'm just taking the edge off in my endless endeavor to get over him."

"Would you like some company? I just got out of a two year relationship about a month ago, so I'm still nursing some wounds."

I smiled, feeling like maybe Remy was exactly what the doctor ordered. "You know what? Yeah, I would like some company."


I hadn't expected Willow to come home the next day. I hadn't expected Ron to be with her, either. I was rudely awakened, as was poor Remy, who was asleep next to me.

"What's up biii- Oh my god!" Willow yelled as she walked through my bedroom door. I jolted awake, pulling the covers up over my naked body.

"What?! Is she okay?!" Ron's voice and heavy footsteps ran towards the door. His blue eyes widened when they landed on the person in bed with me.

"She is so much more than okay! You go girl! He's hot!" Willow grinned, causing me to groan.

"Do you even know him or is he a one night stand?" Ron asked, his jaw clenched.

"None of your business. I didn't want you meeting him right now anyway. What are you doing back?"

"The last show got cancelled due to COVID, so we came home." Willow said, noticing the sudden tension that was filling the room.

Remy was either a deep sleeper, dead, or pretending to sleep. Lucky him.

"Go, okay? Let me get my guest out of the house." I grumbled. Both DeChant siblings left my room, allowing me the chance to pull some clothes on.

"So... I take it that's the best friend and the best friend's brother?" Remy said sleepily. So he was pretending to sleep through that. Smart guy.

"Yup." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I'll call you?" The curly haired man asked, reaching over to kiss my cheek. I nodded my head and smiled softly.

Remy got dressed and gathered his stuff. I walked him to the door, trying to ignore the harsh glare Ron was giving him from the living room.

As soon as I had the door shut and knew Remy was gone, I whirled on Ron.

"The fuck is your problem?" I asked, irritated. Big brother or not, he had no reason to act so disgusted.

"Did you use protection?" Ron asked, his voice dangerously low.

I threw my hands up in the hair and stomped to my room. I grabbed the used condom out of the trash, bringing it back and throwing it at Ron.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAZEL?!" He yelled.

"There's your fucking answer. Are you fucking good now?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No, I'm not! You don't even know the guy!"

"No, you don't know him. His name is Remy Ria, he's 25 years old. He works at the bookstore in the mall and takes college classes at Columbus. He has a dog named Rat and his parents are Iranian. Anything else?" I raised an eyebrow, not backing down.

Ron growled, standing taller than me and staring me down. "How do you know you're safe with him?"

"I don't, but he hasn't killed me yet. It was one night, Ron."

"Do you plan on seeing him again?"

I would do it just to spite him.

"If that's what happens, that's what happens." I told him. "He said he'd call me so we'll see."

Ron shook his head, storming out of the house like it was his mission. The door slammed shut behind him.

"What happened?" Willow asked as she slowly came down the steps.

"Your brother thinks he can control me, that's what. He's had a girlfriend for six months, and I can't sleep with someone one fucking time? No, fuck him. I'm done trying with him."

"I'll talk to him." Willow said softly. "I for one am very happy for you."

"I'm going back to bed." I grumbled, shaking my head and heading back to my room. I crawled into bed and pulled the covers all the way up over my head.

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