SNAP! Like A Twig

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Hmm... Pinetree seems pretty angry. Oddly violent too. Maybe I should give him that final push...

Dipper P.O.V:

God, this place is infuriating. I feel like I might just SNAP if I don't get out soon. I can't believe Mabel is comfortable here. The music is annoying and it's so bright I have a migraine 24-7! I honestly feel like Bill might have been planning this. He knew I would find this annoying and he knew I would start to SNAP at everyone who says a single thing to me. "Dipper?" Wendy said, her voice oddly made me feel worse.

"I'm not in the mood Wendy." I spoke with venom in my voice. It sounded harsher than I wanted it to, but I had stopped caring about that when Mabel replaced me with that thing she now calls her brother.

"Dude, she's not the only one here." Soos said, in a voice that sounded like he was trying to calm a ravenous tiger. Why does he sound scared? I'm not dangerous, right? He shouldn't be nervous...

"Bro-bro? What happened? You look like death. You've been here for 5 years. You should know that it's safe..." Mabel. The reason I am in such an awful state.

"'What happened?'" I repeated, turning to look at the others. Why am I acting like this? I sound so mad. I thought to myself. When I see them I stare into Mabel's eyes. The fear... It felt great. I felt powerful. I started to chuckle, thinking of how those bully's would react to seeing me so... Strong. They would so be confused by this. Little old Dipstick finally had enough and SNAPPED like sticks often do. "'What happened?'" I almost heard it. SNAP! "You should know better than anyone else does!" SNAP! I heard her whisper something, but I couldn't understand it. "You replaced me. Not only that, but you did it while I tried to save your fucking useless life." I noticed a hand on her shoulder. It almost looked like mine. I looked at the others. SNAP! It wasn't one of them. SNAP! "Oh... look at that." I walked forward. SNAP! "It seems..." SNAP! "you brought..." I grab the hand. SNAP! "Him here." Dippie Fresh.

Mabel opened her mouth to say something, but Dippie cut her off. "Chill out bro! Calm down and flip yo hat back! I didn't do nothin' to ya!" What the fuck did he just tell me? His other hand grabbed my hat, moving it so it was backwards. "Your hats on backwards!" SNAP!


"Your heads on backwards." SNAP!!!

"D-Dipper? Why..." I heard Mabel talking, but I stopped listening after that. I stared at my hands. That sound. That wonderful, satisfying, sound! I wanted to hear it, again, and again, and again. I kept staring at my hands, everything else was blurred. I felt tears fall down my face as the ends of my mouth twitched, turning into a grin. I laughed. For the first time in 5 years, I laughed. My laughter and the thumping of my heart turned into a wonderful, magnificent, symphony!

"Dipper. What are you doing? HOW ARE YOU LAUGHING AFTER DOING THAT!?" Wendy yelled trying to get me to stop. My migraine started to thump with each beat of my heart as I held my head in pain as I laughed and laughed.

"CAUSE THAT THING IS FINALLY DEAD!" I screamed in response, still laughing. "I don't know how you don't understand? That horrific replacement is gone! That sound. That wonderous snapping of his neck. I want to hear it again!" I spoke each word with cheer evident in my voice. I could feel the rush make me sick as I gagged. The world was spinning around me. I could taste the puke rushing up my throat as I vomited, black dots filling my vision. I couldn't hear anything over the pounding of my own heart, but I could see Mabel clap right before I blacked out.

Mabel P.O.V:

Phew... That was intense. Good thing Dipper passed out, or he might have killed one of us. I can just make a new Dippie. I can't replace my real friends. I clapped to tell my guards to throw him outside of the bubble. It wouldn't be safe anymore for him to be in here with us. I'm sorry Dipper, but I can't let you get away with murder punishment free. Be happy I didn't kill you. Bro-bro. I don't want to have to send you away, but killing Dippie shows just how insane you've become. "Mabel, dude? Isn't that a little harsh?"

"Shoot. Did I say that out loud?" I asked, embarrassed that I said something so mean out loud.

"He did kinda have a point. You did kinda replace him unceremoniously." Wendy said, sorrowfully.

"I had a reason." I said in my own defense, but if I'm being honest, I was just salty.

"Not to mention Dippie technically isn't real."

"Dipper was acting like he just killed someone real."

"AND he didn't seem like he wanted to kill us!"

"I said that part out loud too?!" Oy vey. This will take a while to explain.

Bill P.O.V:

Aww... Pinetree is all alone. I can't wait to make him go truly insane. He will feel like I'm the only one he has. He has already taken his first life. Now I just need to make him want to do it again. I'll make sure he goes mad. One way or another. He's grown very well. I think I should take up a human form since I want him to actually trust me. I call Keyhole and Eight-Ball over. "You two better not hurt him while bringing him over. OR anytime after. I'm gonna get him to join us and he'll never do that if you idiots kill him."

"Y-Yes boss!" Keyhole said as Eight-Ball aggressively nodded. They both ran off to get him as I sat down thinking about how my human form should look. Trust me Pinetree. They'll all get what they deserve. 

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