Chapter 12: Another CHANCE?

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Mabel P.O.V:

I heard dripping water as I woke up. "Ugh... What happened?" I asked myself, before I went into a flashback:

Great uncle Stanford gave up and decided to try and bring me home to California, though grunkle Stan argued for a while. He didn't want to give up, because he knew that Dipper didn't want to hurt us. Each town we walked through was chaotic, but weirdly, no-one was hurt. There were odd fruits and flowers, and a few people were actually just talking to the demons. We were weirded out. We walked for many hours and saw beautiful gardens, quadruple rainbows, and we even saw weird, half humans! There was this half deer with two small children climbing on it, a mermaid singing about being in love, and even a few minotaurs! It was wholesome! Pacifica, Soos, and Wendy came along with us, and they agreed! Even grunkle Stan! Did you notice who wasn't mentioned? Yep. Great uncle Ford. He actually thought it was disgusting. "Cipher is going to ruin this planet!" Fuck off. We tried to talk to him, but then we suddenly passed out.

Huh. Well that's weird. This room is pitch black. There was a door though. Apparently. The door opened to show Dipper and Bill. Bill was holding the door open and Dipper turned on the light. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"Not just you." Dipper answered as he pointed behind me. I looked around and saw Pacifica, Wendy, Soos, and grunkle Stan, all still passed out. I noticed that Ford wasn't there and asked,

"Where is great uncle Ford!?" I yelled.

"You. Do not want. To know. That." He answered. "Anyways Mabel, I wanted to give the ones in this room another chance. Bill proposed and, well, we need someone to come to the wedding."

"You're engaged!? I'm so happy for you bro bro!" I said, as I ran forward and hugged him.

"Oh thank goodness. You're okay with it." Bill spoke, with relief.

"Yup! It's good with me!" I answered.

"I was actually gonna ask, do you want to be the flower girl?" Dipper asked.

"Yes! I'll need the perfect dress." I responded.

"We have access to plenty of options. Would you like to stay here? Bill and I already discussed letting you all live here."

"Uh sure! Also where is that dripping coming from?" I asked.

"Next room."

"I'm sorry that I even think this might be what you're doing, but I have to ask... Is that dripping blood, is it from Ford, and can I go cuss him out?"

"Sure. Go nuts."

Dipper P.O.V:

Geez, what did Ford do to her? Time to wake the rest of them up. I summoned a sledgehammer- Oh wait! I almost forgot! Bill has been teaching me magic. Anyways! I slammed it into the wall and then made it disappear.

Time skip- The wedding

3rd P.O.V:

Dipper and Bill's wedding was a beautiful ceremony. Bill and Dipper wore matching suits. Mabel wore a rainbow princess dress with butterflies on it. Stan wore a suit and walked Dipper down the aisle. Wendy and Soos had spots of honor near Dipper at the altar. Pacifica was wearing a sunset patterned dress and sat next to Mabel once she was done. Bill placed his forehead on Dipper's, chanting the words to the ritual and Dipper was transformed into a demon. Bill and Dipper kissed and they enjoyed the rest of the party. What an amazing day...

*|The End|*

Sorry about it being a short final chapter, but I wanted to give you all a nice ending before I move onto my next story. Another Gravity Falls AU, "Swap That Ship!"

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