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Mabel P.O.V:

I can't believe how much has happened to the town. It looks like a wasteland. I'm carrying Waddles in my arms as I make my way back to the shack. I wish I never cast Dipper out. I might have even lost him FOREVER just because I was mad. I can't believe how awful I was to Wendy and Soos. I need to find a way to navigate this wasteland. I dive out of sight when I see an eye bat go by, but inside I find a small camp. It looked to be abandoned and, while I don't think it was good for me to do so, looted the place. I grabbed some food, water, and weapons. I picked up a bat and a knife along with a backpack to carry Waddles in. I shoved him in before I started running. I've learned one thing, camps don't last long here. I was lucky that my sweater was actually good camouflage thanks to the red light. I just had to keep from these things seeing the shooting star. Waddles is struggling with staying qui- *OINK!* Oh no. I ducked behind a fence, faced a wall, and went to sweater town. "Huh. I could have sworn I heard something." I heard a raspy voice say, before I heard Bill yell,

"ALL HENCHMANIACS TO THE FEARAMID! IT'S TIME FOR PINETREE'S PARTY!!!!" So he wasn't lying. He's actually throwing a party for Dipper. I just hope it isn't all a ruse. What if Dipper winds up a sacrifice all because of me?!?! I really screwed up this time. 

'Mabel. Don't worry! I'll be right here till' the end!' Dippie's voice rang out in my head. 

"Yeah. I know Dippie." I said, regrettably, out loud. An eye bat seemed to hear me and I just ran, not worrying where. I got lucky, and the eye bat got a squirrel instead of me. Double lucky, in fact, because I found Soos and Wendy's camp!

"Mabel? What happened to Mabeland?" Wendy asked, before noticing Dippie's glasses, which I was wearing up on my head. "Oh... I guess Bill got rid of it. We still haven't found Dipper."

"Yeah! Dudes, I'm starting to wonder if he's still alive. Maybe we should just head to the shack?" Oh no... They haven't heard...

"Soos! We can't just give up on him! Dipper would never give up on us!" Am I gonna have to tell them? "Mabel, can you decide?"

"H-he-" I was sobbing too much to finish my sentence.

"He... What, Mabel?"

"Yeah dude. You seem really freaked out..."

"I seem freaked out? Huh, I wonder why? Maybe because MY BROTHER IS EITHER DEAD OR INSANE????

"W-wait what?"

"Why do you say that dude?"

"I heard Bill say, yelling from the Fearamid roof, 'It's time for Pinetree's party!'"

"And Pinetree is?"

"Bill's nickname for Dipper."

"Oh no..."

"Then we should get going! We know where Dipper is now. We need to talk to Stan about plans to save him."

"And we need to make a backup plan. Just in case the insane theory is correct." I added.

"Dudes. We need ta' get going soon. All this yelling probably attracted eye bats." 

"RIGHT! Come on! Follow me!" I started leading them to the shack, making sure to stay in densely covered areas. Suddenly I'm very thankful for every time Dipper dragged me out here. And now I'm sad again. Great. "There it is!"

"Wow. It's been a long time sense I last went to work!"

"Wait. Dudes. We should be careful."

"Of course Soos." I hold my bat, ready to hit whatever is inside. We kick down the door only to see,


"GRUNKLE STAN!" I run up to him and give him a great big hug!

"We missed you, ya old codger!"

"Mr. Pines! It's really you! I've been hugging strangers to practice for this moment."

"Everyone please calm down. I have a question for Mabel."

"What is it Grunkle Stan?" I asked, though I had a feeling I already knew.

"Where's Dipper?"

---After a lengthy explanation---

Still Mabel P.O.V:

"-And we need a plan to save him."

"Alright. Let's get you all settled in first." I nod in response and we start talking to people in the shack. Shockingly, most currently surviving people are here. I'm guessing it's because of the unicorn hair. I turn on the tv to see if there is anything and what I'm met with is five seconds of static, but when I go to turn it off, suddenly a video starts playing. A person with one eye, yellow hair and a golden eye, holding the camera facing them.

"Greetings, remaining Gravity Falls citizens! Specifically those looking for my Pinetree."

"Pinetree? Didn't you say that's what Bill calls Dipper?"


"YUP! It's me~ but I'm only saying this once. Pinetree is happy here! So don't you go making his life worse again. You'll regret it. Just look how great he's doing!" The camera turns to look at Dipper who looks to be making jokes with some of Bill's maniacs, when Bill walks up to him. "Hey Pinetree~"

"Wha- Bill. You're drunk. Turn off the camera before you embarrass yourself." Dipper spoke with a deadpan expression. That explains a little.

"I just wanted the survivors to see that you don't need saving~ Pyronica. Hold the camera." He whispered the last bit, seemingly giving someone else the camera. He might be drunk, but he doesn't seem that drunk. "Look! He's perfectly comfortable with me~" Bill was now standing next to Dipper with his arm wrapped around Dipper's neck. Oh no. He better not be doing what I think he's doing.

"Bill. Stop. You're dru-MPHMM!" HE WAS! He grabbed Dipper's chin and pulled him into a kiss. Dipper seemed tense at first before calming down and kissing back. I turned off the tv after that.


"Calm down Mabel. Dipper could be under a spell. Not to mention, he seemed to be drunk, AND Bill kissed HIM." Wendy spoke, trying to reassure me but I couldn't believe it. We're twins! We're supposed to share everything! I even told him when I found out I was pan!

I would have supported you Dipper. Why didn't you tell me?

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