Chapter 9: You Aren't Taking Me BACK!

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Dipper P.O.V:

I woke up today, got changed, ate breakfast with Bill, and brushed my teeth. Now, I'm hiding behind a pillar and watching Grunkle Ford yell at Bill to give me back and remove a spell? First off, where did he get the idea that I was under a spell? And second off, I don't want to go back. "Bill Cipher. You will never convince me that my great nephew would willingly stay with YOU!" Si-... Ford... yelled.

"Fordsy, I've told you a million times. Pinetree. Is. HAPPY!" Bill replied, annoyed.

"My nephew wouldn't go crazy, just because of a headache!" Ford screamed back. Crazy? No. I'm not crazy.

"You think I'm crazy?" I spoke, exiting the shadows. Ford looked shocked, while Bill looked scared.

"Pinetree! I told you to hide!" Bill yelled. I looked at him with a stern expression. He seemed to take the hint and sighed, before nodding at me, silently approving my entrance.

"Is it crazy to want better than a sister who replaces you without a second thought? Who makes you give up everything for her? Is it crazy to want better than a narcissistic uncle who views himself as above you, and smarter than you, no matter how hard you study, and wouldn't even thank you for saving him from a nightmarish dimension? Even when it took thirty years? Is it crazy to want better than friends who'll leave you behind to live out their own fantasy, in a world that they knew was fake? Is it crazy to want to be treated equally, and not be the only one who has to do chores?" I spoke sternly, with a deadly glare. The others were also in the rescue party, and they each looked away once what they did was mentioned. Except Ford. He just looked offended. I continued, this time, talking about the good things. The reasons I prefer this place, Bill, and the henchmaniacs. "Is it crazy to enjoy being treated like an equal? Is it crazy to want to live in a place where every little want and need is tended to immediately? I know Mabel can't judge me for that one." Mabel freaked out at the mention of her name.

"Dipper, please listen to me! I'm so sorry, I didn- Not now Dippie. I didn't want to abandon you!" Mabel said, coming close to tears. What did she mean, 'not now Dippie'? Does he have a ghost?

"Wait. Who's Dippie?" I questioned.

"How does no one else see him? I mean, they can see the glasses, right? Why can't they see him?..." She trailed off. I've had enough of this. I massaged my temples as I said,

"You're calling me crazy, when she's the one seeing things?"

"She's never KILLED anyone!" Stan said defensively.

"SHUT UP! Is it crazy to want to stay in a place where people love you, unconditionally? Is it crazy to love the person who g-gave you a shoulder to cry on, when e-everyone else called you a WiMp for *hic* c-crying..." My voice cracked as I poured my emotions out on the floor. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw it was Bill's. He pulled me closer and began to pet my hair and rub slow circles into my back. I whimpered one more thing out, "Is it crazy to want to see horrible people burn alive?"

"...Get out." Bill spoke sternly.

"Not without Dip-" Ford began, but Bill cut him off.

"GET OUT! Can't you tell that you're only making my Pinetree feel worse?" I blushed lightly and buried my head deeper into his chest at that, silently crying and soaking his yellow hoodie. "You'll be okay darling. Let me handle this." He whispered softly into my ear. I adjusted my grip to where I was wrapping my arms around his neck and silently nodded, looking up at him.

"He isn't yours, Bill. Let my nephew go, NOW!" Ford spoke as he readied a laser gun. Bill snapped his fingers and it turned into bubbles. "What the?"

"He isn't yours either. Now leave us be. You're gonna give him a panic attack."

"Stop trying to make him go crazy, Bill!" Ford yelled, sounding desperate to find any sort of moral high ground. I snapped.

"You want crazy?" I questioned, turning my head. "I'll show you crazy!" I exclaimed as I lifted my head. In the corner of my eye I saw Bill blush softly. I chuckled as they began running randomly like a flock of headless chickens. "Pfff- HAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh my eldritch entities! You're really dumb, huh?" I cackled. "Bill? Should we just send them back hun?"

"Hmm... Yeah. I want destroying them to be special for you!" He said, softly caressing my cheek. I put my hand on his before suggesting,

"How about we show them what we are before they go?" I asked softly.

"If you're okay with it, Pinetree!" He chuckled, before snapping his fingers, and suddenly, they were floating in front of us, Bill's magic keeping them from looking away.

"WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING, CIPHER?!?!" Six-... Y'know what? Fuck it. Sixer exclaimed.

"Pinetree wants to show you something, before we send you back." Bill said, nonchalantly shrugging. I turned to them and nodded, before Bill softly gripped my chin and pulled me in for a kiss. Oddly enough, I heard Mabel say,

"I can't lie. Kinda ship it." Before Sixer started yelling at her. Me and Bill separated, and we just kinda... stared at them, dumbfounded. Bill and I shrugged at each other, before Bill snapped and sent them, presumably, back to the shack.

"Back to our planned activities then?" Bill asked me with a sly smirk, as he turned my head towards him.

"Of course hun." I said, as I pulled him closer by his chin, closing the gap between us. Once we separated, we returned to our planned activities. Eating spaghetti and meatballs on Bill's bed as we watch "Ouran High School Host Club"!

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