Chapter 11: Your Birthday Was WHEN!?

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Dipper P.O.V:

"Run that by me one more time?" Bill asked. We were just having a normal conversation, then he asked when my birthday was.

"I already told you. August 31st. I haven't really been celebrating it recently. Mabel always wanted me too, but I was distancing myself. I had been on a bit of a... depressive spiral. Probably from sleep deprivation." I explained for the 3rd time today.

"Okay. One-That's not healthy- and two-I guess we're celebrating a bit late. I'll pick out an outfit. Be prepared for the best birthday party you'll ever have!" He said, teleporting away. After he left I flopped on my bed with a thud. I couldn't believe it. Apparently, august 31st was two weeks ago. I relaxed and waited for him to get back. "Here I am!" He yelled, popping up again.

"What outfit did you choose this time?" I asked, unimpressed. He just snapped his fingers and we both were changed into matching outfits. Mine being a blue button up with a black, unbuttoned, trench coat, on top of it. The trench coat's buttons were blue pine trees. Bill's was the same, except everything blue on mine was yellow on his, and instead of pine trees, the buttons on his were triangles. We were both wearing black dress pants and bowties. I assume. Mine was untied. Bill, of course, had his signature floating tophat, while he didn't really give me a hat. He pulled out a hairbrush and sat me up on the bed. He also went behind me and started brushing my hair.

"Your hair is so fluffy!" He said, excitedly. He finally got done with most of it, when he reached my bangs. I was about to turn around so he would have a better angle, when he pulled my head down into his lap and continued to brush my hair. I was internally screaming until Bill finished brushing my hair, at which point, he lifted me back up, head still leaned back as he kissed my forehead, THEN he let me go. Reaching around my neck, he began tying my bowtie for me humming as he did, with his chin resting on top of my head. His fingers moved delicately and calmly. It almost felt hypnotic. I couldn't look away!

He finished tying it with a tight pull, and then kissed the back of my head. "You look perfect, darling~" He said, flirtatiously.

"No need to flatter me hun. Perfection isn't real." I spoke, with a depressing tone.

"But then, how are you real? You're everything I've ever wanted! That sounds perfect to me!" He responded joyfully.

"You spoil me." I spoke with a chuckle.

"No I don't. I just give you everything you deserve!" He said, sounding very sure of himself.

"I don't deserve this much stuff." I said as I got up.

"You deserve all this and more!" He yelled, getting up himself.

"Pff- Yeah right." I scoffed, turning around. He snapped his fingers so his shoes appeared on him and suddenly I felt taller. I grabbed the wall behind me and looked down to see that he had given me a matching pair. "BILL! I don't know how to walk in heels!"

"But you look great in them! I can help you with the walking part, okay?" He begged.

"Why do you like me wearing these sorts of outfits so much?" I asked, increasingly exasperated.

"You look hot in them!" He said, like it was obvious.

"Why do you want me to look hot?!"

"Cause I do. Now let's get to the party!" He yelled, dragging me out the door and down the hall. I couldn't help but chuckle at his goofy antics.

—-------Time skip-------—

Still Dipper:

This party really is the best one I've ever had. I'm joking around with Py right now. "Jeez. I guess Bill has really fallen head over... *cough* head over heels for you!" Py joked.

"Py? Why did you pause just then? What are you looking at?" I asked, watching as she looked behind me, excitedly. I started turning around as I asked, "Why do you seem so- Wh-what?" Bill was standing there with a small box in his hands, and an anxious expression on his face.

Py spoke once again, "Well, I'll leave ya to it! Good luck Bill!" as she ran off, leaving me freaked out and blushing as I stood there. Bill exhaled, dramatically as he got down on one knee.

"Dipper Pines. I know that it's a little early on in our relationship, but you're everything I want in a spouse and more. If it's too early, I can wait until you're ready, but I can't help myself, so... *Exhale* Will you marry me?" He asked quietly, opening the small box to reveal a small ring inside. I started tearing up and sat down in front of him. He gulped as I caressed his cheek softly.

"Yes." I responded quietly. He started to tear up as well and took the ring out of the box, before placing it on my finger. He interlocked our fingers, before putting his other hand behind my head and pulling me in for a kiss. I accepted it happily and when we pulled away, all of the henchmaniacs started cheering for us as we happily nuzzled each other. I wasn't sure what had happened. I wasn't sure how I got here. The one thing I was sure about, was that I was the happiest boy in the world, and it would stay that way for the rest of my life. I had a wonderful boyfriend, and now I have an amazing fiancé! 

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