Chapter 7: It Wasn't a DATE!

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Dipper P.O.V:

"Bill just got me some food and then sat with me as I ate. I tried to question him about it, but he just shrugged it off. After I finished eating he brought me back to my room and left to go to his own. That's it. It. Wasn't. A. Date."

"Uh huh! Good luck when it is then!" Py told me. GAH! Every single one of the henchmaniacs thought it was a date!

"PY! I don't have a crush on him!"

"Oh, please. We've all seen you making goo goo eyes at him! Admit it already! Heck! He ha-" Py started, but was cut off when Bill appeared next to her and slammed a hand over her mouth.

"Py. Don't. You. Dare." He spoke, with a booming voice.

"Oh, fine! I was just trying to help though! If you hadn't noticed..." Py said, while walking off.

"Bill. Why does everyone think we went on a date?" I spoke, while crossing my arms, sassily, and cocking my hip to the side.

"I'm not usually this nice to you meat sacks. You're special to me, and everyone's assuming that means I like you. In a romantic way! Of course I do like having you around, otherwise I would've killed you..." He kept ranting, on and on, and on, and on, AND ON! I got sick of it eventually and said,

"BILL! You're spiraling! And it's giving me a headache!" He jerked at the mention of 'a headache' and immediately gave me a concerned look.

"Oh geez! I'm so sorry Pinetree! Uh... Please don't get mad..." He muttered the last part. I was so confused!

"Why would I get-!" I stopped talking when he kissed my forehead. When he pulled away, he asked,

"Did that help? I don't do healing on others that often." I looked at him, confused, until I noticed that my headache had gone away.

"Oh! It actually fixed it! Like, entirely!"

"Good! It's great to know I helped then Pinetree!" I just remembered something.

"Bill... do you remember what happened at my party? Because... I don't. I think I had too much whiskey..."

"Hmm? No? Why do you ask?"

"The last thing I remember from that night is you holding a camera that looked to be recording, so maybe we could check it. I have a feeling that night might have something to do with this whole... Everyone thinks we're dating, thing."

"Oh? Well sure then! Hold on!" I've learned to listen when he says that. I grip tightly to him and shut my eyes. The wind blows around us as I feel Bill hold me tightly, to keep me from flying out like the first time we did this. The wind slows to a stop as Bill keeps on holding me. I know it's safe for him to let go now, but he keeps on trying to see how long it'll take me to notice when we do this.

"Bill. I know it's safe to let go now. Put me down."

"Aww! You noticed immediately this time! Boo." I swear, he's so childish sometimes. He lets me go and picks up the camera as I look around. It's clear that we're in Bill's room, but I've... actually never... been... here... Yo I'm getting serious deja vu right now. OH WE BETTER NOT'VE! He put the memory card into a laptop and opened the video on it. I took off my shoes and placed them with Bill's high boots next to the door. Then I walked to Bill's bed and sat down with him. He snapped his fingers and my outfit was switched from the hoodie and jeans bill gave me, to a large black tank top with the blue pine tree symbol in the center, as well as a pair of sweatpants that were black with the same pinetree as a pattern all over them.

Bill's outfit changed to something similar, but switched the blue pine trees out with yellow triangles. He cuddled in closer and pressed play. We both watched as his drunken past self stumbled around, holding the camera facing himself when he started to talk, "Greetings, remaining Gravity Falls citizens! Specifically those looking for my Pinetree." I blushed at that statement, and paused the video.

"Bill? Were you streaming this?"

"I guess so. I don't remember. Anyways! Unpause!" He pressed play again and we watched his past self be quiet for a few moments, before he started talking again, "YUP! It's me~ but I'm only saying this once. Pinetree is happy here! So don't you go making his life worse again. You'll regret it. Just look how great he's doing!" I paused again as Bill's past self turned the camera.

"Bill. Why did you say that?" I asked, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes.

"I was drunk! Not to mention, if they all knew what you did, they would never forgive you. I don't think I could live with myself, knowing that you went through so much, because I let them 'rescue' you." Bill said.

"W-wow! That was... strangely honest, coming from you!"

"I might've seemed cruel, but I'm only like that to strangers and enemies... and clients, but those are annoying. Anyways, UNPAUSE!" He yelled as he pressed play once again. The video was now showing Bill walking closer to me as I was making jokes with Py and drinking way more than I probably should've as a first timer. Bill finally started talking again and said, "Hey Pinetree~"

I responded with, "Wha- Bill. You're drunk. Turn off the camera before you embarrass yourself." But Bill just said,

"I just wanted the survivors to see that you don't need saving~ Pyronica. Hold the camera." And handed the camera to Py. He continued, "Look! He's perfectly comfortable with me~" as he wrapped an arm around me.

"Bill. Stop. You're dru-MPHMM!" FUCK! Bill kissed me! FUCK! NO WONDER EVERYONE THINKS WE'RE DATING! I shut the laptop when I saw myself start leaning into it.

"Oh. So that's how they found out."

"The FUCK do you mean? We aren't dating."

"Well... do you want to?"

"I-I mean... if you're okay with it..."

"GREAT! PERFECT! I'M SO HAPPY!" He started squealing as he moved the laptop and pulled me on top of him. We watched things on the laptop till we got tired and while I tried to go back to my room, he insisted on me cuddling with him while we went to sleep. I couldn't help but smile as he held me close until I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

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